Little Bird

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A/N: I have a couple of requests, then back to the fairytales.

(Doflamingo x Reader)

It was rare. Being quiet in the kingdom.
Doflamingo rested on the palm of his hand looking out the window of the kingdom. He smirked turning back to the doors. They swung open and Baby 5 along with Buffalo stepped in. Behind them you staggered in with a rope tied around your wrists. Baby 5 yanked you to Doflamingo where you dropped to your knees. You hung your head scolding yourself for getting caught.

Doflamingo grinned shifting his leg over his knee and rumbled. With a flick of his fingers your head snapped up and you glared at him. He stood and knelt down to your level. He rumbled tilting up your head with his finger.

"You've been caught, little bird."

You snapped at his finger having him rumble.

"I'm not done fighting your men until I have taken you down." You hissed.

"Your here now. Why don't you take me now?"

You smirked, "I will."

Snatching the rope you wrung it around his neck and tightened it. Baby 5 and Buffalo were quick to get you off Doflamingo. Before Baby 5 knocked you out and you slumped to the floor. Doflamingo rumbled rubbing his neck.

"Take her to my room."

"What if-"

"The little bird can only go so far sitting in a cage."

You groaned awaking in a large bed. Rubbing your head you looked around. You climbed out of bed to the white dress clung to your body. And your hair pulled up into a bun.

"The hell?"

"Behind every strong man, is a stronger woman. Wouldn't you say?"

You snapped to Doflamingo leaning back in his desk chair. You stepped back bumping into the bed.

"Little bird, I won't hurt you. Why don't you come here?"

"You were the one who put my family in poverty. I'm here to bring them back there money."

"Of course."

You blinked, "wh-what?"

"I'll give your family more then they asked for. A new home, clothes, anything they needed."

You lit up, "Really?"

"For a price."

You frowned, "For what?"

"I want you to be my wife."

"I wouldn't-!"

"Then what about your family?"

You pursed your lips. Turning to the window you looked to your little families shop. Not a lot of people were going in. Or coming out. Since Doflamingo became king, he didn't need a toy shop anymore. And now. Your family was going out of business.

You turned back to Doflamingo, "I. Accept."

Doflamingo grinned, "Welcome home, little bird."

The kingdom was in an uproar about the engagement. Doflamingo told the people the following morning. You were beside him while your eyes kept to a man in the crowd. He frowned to you before stepping out of the crowd. 

You pulled on your cloak as you snuck out of the castle. You jumped into a few trees before stepping down to the ground. Doflamingo watched you as Violet stood beside him.

"Should I go after her?"

"No. She will come back. A bird can only go so far with clipped wings."

You panted softly as you leaned against an alleyway. Your eyes kept to a figure tossing a beri up and down. You pulled down your hood as his eyes glared to you.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Donquixote." He grunted.

"I had no choice." You pleaded.

"You should of said no."

"If I didn't Doflamingo would of-"

"What? Your family is going to be fine. Your supposed to be my wife. Not his."

"You don't understand. I had to give my family the best-"

You witnessed him pull something silver from his pocket. Stepping back he pointed a blade at you.

"That prick took everything from me! Now he's gonna take you too! I don't fucking think so! If I can't have you. NO ONE CAN!"

Panic washed over you as he darted at you. You screamed as you felt a piercing pain go through your hand. Looking to your hand. He stabbed right through your hand and just before your face. He pulled the blade from your hand but. He was soon caught by the guards. Doflamingo floated down watching them arrested your ex fiance. But your eyes kept to your hand.  Blood drained from your face seeing a gapping hole in the palm of your hand. 

"Little bird, did he hurt your wing."

You looked up to him as he clicked his tongue. He knelt down to you cupping your hand between his own.

"Kiss me." He commanded.


"It will take your mind off the pain."

You reached up and cupped his cheek before you kissed him softly. You felt tiny pricks in your hand as the kiss got rougher. Your hand slid up into his hair and tugged softly. Doflamingo rumbled as his tongue licked over your lips. He rumbled as you pulled back.
Doffy lifted his hand showing your fixed hand. You gasped cupping your hand and looked at it close. You could see the faint transparent string keeping your hand together.

"Doffy. I."

You looked to him as he held his hand out to you.

"Lets take you home, little bird."

You took his hand as he helped you up. He  then scooped you up as your knees gave out. You clutched onto his coat.

"I deserve to give you a chance." You said.

"I'd like that."

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