Red's Little Sister

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(Law x reader)

You sighed opening your eyes to the ravenette doctor. He was sleep as he held you close. You smiled reaching over and kissing his lips ever so gently. Knowing he needed as much sleep as possible. He gave a pleasant hum before cracking open an eye to you.

"Good morning." You chime.

"Good morning love." He chuckled.

"I have to go."

"Just a little longer, Kidd won't wake up just yet."

You giggled, "Law, I'd rather live another day."

Law sighed as you got up and got dressed. His amber eyes followed you the whole way.

"I'll see you at breakfast." You winked.

He smirked, as you left the room and headed down the sub. You pushed open the door leading to outside. Kidd's ship was tied to the railing of Law's ship. The two of them formed a small alliance. Just for a little while. It was just some bullshit excuse so he could sleep with the captain's sister. Which. Was you. You were Kidd's sister. Not by blood but. He adopted you and protected you as you were his sister. But once you had met the surgeon of death himself at the human auction. He wanted you. He had to have you. And so began this small alliance.
You hopped over to Kidd's ship. Careful not to make a single sound. You placed a hand to your chest.

"Calm." You muttered.

Sealing yourself in silence. You walked down to the ship not making a single sound. You checked on Kidd seeing him snoring while his blankets were tossed everywhere. You rolled your eyes shutting the door before starting breakfast. Where Law had joined you in the kitchen sometime later.

"Good morning Law." You said.

"Good morning." He grumbled.

You placed a cup of coffee before him on the table. He glanced up to you with a small smirk placing his hand on yours.

"I had a great time last night. I hope we can do it again tonight." He purred.

"Depends if you behave." You hummed.

He chuckled pulling you close, "You know how I don't like to behave. Maybe you should punish me."

"Oi! Trafalgar get your grubby hands off my sister." Kidd barked.

You both turned to Kidd. His face in a deep scowl as he crossed his arms. Law sighed letting go of you as you went to get coffee for Kidd. He took a seat in front of Law glaring at him.

"Good morning Kidd. How did you sleep?" You asked.

"I slept fine. Where the hell were you last night. You weren't in your room." Kidd barked.

"She simply fell asleep on my ship. No one touched her. I made sure of that." Law said.

Kidd slammed his hands on the table earning Law's attention.

"Look here! Something fishy is going on here. Once I figure out what I'm gonna snap your neck." 


You placed a hand on Kidd's shoulder. His ranting began but it was silent. You placed a cup of coffee before Kidd before sitting next to Law. Where you both watched Kidd go on about something. He went on like this until he wore himself out and sat down. You snapped your fingers as Kidd was able to make sound again.

"So. Who's hungry?" You clapped your hands together.

Later that night the Heart and Kidd Pirates docked at an island. Which means. Booze and partying. You and Law stayed behind as Kidd and the others went off to the island. You approached Law wrapping your arms around his neck. 

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