Pirate Nurse

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Your feet tapped against the cobble stone. You held close the green backpack with black stripes across it. Cloak fluttering in the wind and hood blocking your identity.  Behind you fire was on your tail. Well. So he thought. You swung the bag over your back before climbing up for boxes and knocking them down. You climbed up onto a roof panting softly as the man in the orange hat looked up to you.

"Hey! There's not much in there. I don't know what you want but. Can I have my bag back?" He asked.

You pursed your lips, "You stole something I cannot get back. So your bag will have to service."

The man groaned, "Awe come on please!"

You turned before jumping onto another building. Then he was on your tail again until you lost him in the woods. You panted softly hidden in a tree. His bag clutched tight in your hands. You clung to his bag so tight your knuckles turned white. But your breath hitched as you noticed him walk under you.

"Come on lady, at least just give me the log pose. I'm running out of time." He whined.

"Why should I? You stole something from me so I'm stealing something from you." You huffed.

He turned looking around, "What did I do? What can I do to make up for it? I can give it back if you want."

"A broken promise."

"That's not really stealing."

"There's more to it then that. But I don't think a pirate like you would care."

He pursed his lips, "what do you mean?"

The branch that held your support gave out and broke. You squeaked tumbling to the ground. Hood fell off as your cloak fanned out behind you. He turned to you pushing back his hat. He was the one and only. Portgas D. Ace. A dear, dear friend to you.

"Well I'll be damned, (Y/N)?"

You looked up to him before throwing his bag at his face. He groaned as you got up and started to storm away. But he grabbed your wrist.

"Whoa whoa, that's the kind of hello I get? Take my bag have me chase you across town, give it back and leave?"

Your turned to him with a furrowed look. Then yanked your wrist away from his grip. You now stood before him as your finger prodded his chest.

"You have some nerve! You left me on that island and ran away with some old man and a bunch of other guys. Leaving me and Luffy behind!" You barked.

Ace backed up but you still were prodding his chest and following his every step.

"You let your flaming ego get the best of you and you got sucked up in the fame. So what your some captain of the white mustache pirates!-"

"The second division commander of the Whitebeard pirates." Ace corrected you.

You stepped back and started looking in your pockets, "I'm sorry, I can't find where I asked you to correct me! Ace do you even remember who I am!? What promise you broke! Why I'm even here in the first place?!"

He remained silent, you stepped back. But after a moment of him not speaking you sighed.

"Typical. See, I thought you loved me. But now I see. I was just apart of some stupid dream that never will happen."

You started to walk away when you felt a tug on the back of your cloak. You didn't turn as a tear ran down your cheek. You sniffled softly before wiping away that lone tear.

"I did." He started.

You glanced over your shoulder, "You did what?"

"I sailed back for you. I went searching for you but. Dadan told me you left with Luffy."

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