The Affair

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TeruTategami  this is for your contest love! It kinda sucks so sorry.
(Thatch x Reader)

Spinning your wedding ring around your finger. You sighed softly. Slumping back against your bed. Another fight. It was always fighting. You thought it was all for love. But. It was more to boost his ego. For you to be his trophy wife. Then he would leave for missions. While you sat around, doing nothing.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Marco called threw the door. You sit up as the door was opened, Marco leaned against the doorframe.

"We have a new brother. Why don't you come and meet him." Marco jestered out of the room.

"Alright." You sighed.

You get up and approach Marco. He knows of your marriage between you and his brother. Teach. At first he was all sweet and kind. He could talk you into anything. But once the wedding was over. He. Just used you. After all you were Whitebeard's ligament child. Marco knew about the fights, the neglect, the heartbreak. Along with your loneliness. Both of you vowing not to tell your own father. Both unsure of what pops would do.

Marco lead you up on deck. The few of your brothers surrounded him. The newbie. He was tall, he was all smiles. When his eyes landed on you. You smiled softly as he hesitated to finish introducing himself. Where he excused himself to push his way to you. You watched as he straightened himself up approaching you. While you, slipped off your wedding ring. And dropped it in your pocket.

The tall dark brown haired man took your hand and kissed your knuckles. His emerald gaze kept to yours while a soft smile was on his face.

"My name is Thatch. And I'm going to be your cook." He spoke.

You smiled, "I'm (Y/N)."

He ginned, "What a pretty name. I. I look forward to being apart of the same crew as you."

"As do I." You smiled.

Everyone could see it. The puppy love you both fell for each other. But. Teach, finally wound his head back onto the ship.

You sat at the bar while Thatch was cooking. Your eyes kept to how quick and gentle he was with the food. Would he treat you like that. With delicate hands. A feeling, you've never felt before.

Snapping out of it the door swung open. And your heart sank to your stomach. Teach held an ugly grin stepping into the room. You forgot, you were his wife.

"Darling. Has this been the place you've been kept up? While I've been away?"

"I. Just wanted some company."

Thatch turned to Teach earning the fat man's grin. They introduced themselves, but he didn't introduce himself as your husband. Yet.

"You've been watching over my (Y/N). Have you?" Teach laughed.

He chuckled, "Watching out for each other. More or less."

"My darling wife is very fragile. And weak. Be careful with her."

Puffing your cheeks you knew that was a lie. You were a strong woman before you met Teach. And now he thinks your made of glass and could shatter at anytime.

Thatch turned to you, "Oh. She's.... your wife."

Teach nodded, "Come on (Y/N). We have to catch up."

Sighing softly you follow in step behind him while Thatch watched you leave.

Your love making soon turned dull. You just wanted it over as it slowly turned into a nightmare.

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