The Door

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A/N: Vote at the bottom for the next chapter book! Lol can you guys guess who my OTP is? XD

(Usopp x Reader)

He pushed past some shrubbery walking into the forest. Luffy followed behind him as did Chopper. Usopp looked down to the map while he pursed his lips. He continued down the path while Luffy was watching the scenery. One of his arms were tied around Usopp's waist. Making sure his rubber ass didn't adventure off. And he was also carrying the food.

They got to this island to get some more food supplies and maybe find the secret to this island. Legend says that there's a magical like power on it. Which meant Treasure, to Nami. So she sent everyone off to go look for it. Besides Zoro and Sanji. To gather food.

"Usopp I'm hungry!!" Luffy whined.

"Once we get to the waterfall we can eat until then your gonna have to wait."

"But Usopp!!"

"Hey guys." Chopper chimed.

They stopped and turned to him. Chopper stood before a tree. Luffy and Usopp went over to him. On the tree was a door. It was chained up, and 'Do Not Open' written on it.

"Lets open it." Luffy said.

"No, no no no nononononono." Usopp said.

"What why not? I wanna know what's inside."

"Luffy it says Do Not Open for a reason. Lets leave it alone."

"But Usopp. You aren't just a little bit curious of what's inside."

Luffy wiggled his eyebrows as Usopp pursed his lips.

"Lets leave it alone."

"No please. Please help me."

They turned to the door. Usopp pressed his ear to the door.

"Hello?" Usopp called.

"Please let me out."

Usopp sat back from the door, "There's a woman in there. Hey lady, why are you in there?"

"It doesn't matter. If you let me out and take me to the waterfall I will grant you a wish."

Luffy perked up to that, "A wish?"

"Yes, now please let me out."

"We gotta let her out." Luffy said.

Usopp sighed, "Fine. Lets get the lady in the tree out."

They tried with everything to get the chains off. Well until Zoro and Sanji happened to wander to them.

"What are you guys doing?" Sanji asked.

Luffy turned to him, "There's a lady trapped in the tree. We're trying to get her out."

"A lady?"

Sanji stepped up to the door he knocked on it.

"Excuse me Miss, are you alright in there?" He asked.

"It's kinda, cramped." You said.

Then Sanji's heart eyes popped out before he began to attack the tree. You perked when you felt a another person there.

"Him." You spoke, "The swordsmen. Those swords on his hip, there cursed, it will break the spell on the chain."

Sanji turned to Zoro, stomping up to him and clutching his coat.

"You gotta get her out of there." Sanji said.

"What if I say no?" Zoro grumbled.

Sanji grunted leaning over his hear and whispering something. Zoro grinned softly as his eye lit up. Sanji pulled back with a slight blush.


"Open the door."

Zoro smirked going up to the door and slashed through the chains. They slumped to the grassy floor before Sanji opened the door.

You held a hand shielding your eyes. While the others backed up. Once your eyes got adjusted to the light you slumped out of the tree. Showing your pale blue skin. Silver scales and a long tail with a feather like fins. Your tail batted onto the floor having you smile to your saviors.

"I thank you." You smile, "Now if you want your wish. I'd like to be taken to the waterfall."

You turned to Usopp and pointed to him.

"By him."

"Usopp? But-"

"I want him to carry me there."

"Well Usopp you heard the lady." Sanji said.

Usopp scooped you up in one arm while the other carried your long tail. It wrapped around his toro and stopped at his knee. You smiled as they continued there journey.

"So, why were you locked up in there?" Usopp asked.

"I'm a siren. It's in my blood to bring men down to there death. While some men like yourself come just to talk or gaze upon me."

"You kill people?"

"No, just unloyal men. So I was locked away because no one felt right killing me. So I was locked away for hundreds and hundreds of years."

He hummed, "Must of been lonely."

You giggled, "Very."

As they got to the waterfall Usopp stepped into the water helping you down into the water. He stood there a moment before you snaked into the water. And after a moment you bobbed your head out and grinned.

"As promised I would grant you a wish. But only one wish for the all of you."

Luffy's frowned, "That's unfair."

"I have very little magic. Only enough for one wish."

So they gathered in a circle before they nodded. Luffy turned to you and stepped up to the edge of the water fall. He held out his hand to you.

"Then I wish for you to join my crew."

You blinked, "Pirates."

The water rumbled before pulling you under. Luffy was going to go in after you before water spurted out. You knelt down on the water. Looking to your natural skin color. And gasped to your legs instead of a tail. You furrowed turning to them. Where there eyes were everted from your nude form. Usopp rummaged in his backpack before pulling out a blanket. He stepped up to you on the water before draping it around your form.

"Welcome to the strawhats." He grinned.

"Thank you." You smiled.

Jinbei x Reader (poison)

Smoker x Reader (Dream's and Smoke)

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