Some Alliance

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(X Drake x Reader lemon) uh. This was requested by someone. So. Whoever requested it I hope you like it.

An alliance is a union or association formed for mutual benefit. Or and a state of being joined or associated. But in your case. You were babied, spoiled, coddled. By no other then the reptile man himself. You were captain of a small band of female pirates. And you and Drake formed an alliance to take down a king or whatever. Then again. That was over a year ago. As you went from island to island. His head reared scaring off all danger that seemed to stand in your way. Not that you minded not getting in trouble. But. After a while, it got boring.

"Uh oh. Here comes trouble."

You turned to Victoria, her lips pursed in a line as she crossed her arms. You looked in her direction to the door of the tavern. Drake stood in the doorway. His eyes glancing over the tavern before he got to you. His expression lightened as he approached you. Drake sat beside you as Victoria nudged you. You glanced to her before back to Drake.

"What are you doing here?" You sighed.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" He asked.

"Our alliance is over isn't it? You don't have to be following me anymore." You said.

He turned to you, "What are you talking about? Our alliance isn't over."

You furrowed, "It's not? We already took down that king back in Soleanna."

"That wasn't apart of the alliance."

Drake rummaged in his pocket and plucked the alliance form. He handed it to you as Victoria snatched it.

"I'll take that." She said

She brushed her blue curly hair over her shoulder before opening the paper. You watched her amber eyes slowly widen before she glanced up to you. She snorted a laugh before taking your hand.

"Um excuse us a moment." She said.

She lead you to the bathroom before she broke out in a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

She chuckled wiping the tear away from her eye.

"So. You formed and alliance with the worst generation himself correct?" She asked.


"Now what's your definition of alliance?"

"The state of being joined or associated."

She smirked holding the alliance paper.

"Also, a formal agreement establishing an association. Such as. Marriage."

Your eyes widened snapping the paper from her grip. Your eyes frantically read over the paper as Victoria giggled.

"So. I've been married to him for. A year?!"

"Congratulations Mrs. X Drake." She said.

You glared to her, "Shut up."

"Better go and celebrate your anniversary with your husband. You know. Like husband and wives do. Go get some action."

She pushed you out of the bathroom. You looked to the paper before you looked to Drake. His back was turned to you as you took a breath and approached him. He turned to you and smiled softly.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Peachy. Victoria and I just were on different pages. So yeah."

"Oh good. I have something for you. It's long overdue but."

You watched him rummage in his pocket and pulled out a gold ring.

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