The real medical Staff

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Niamh holds Matthew still as carefully as she can as The nurse injects him with something to help with the pain. "Ow! mummy Ow!" Matthew screams as the tears stream down his face.

"Good boy" Niamh smiles.

The nurse passes Niamh and oral syringe and asks him to try and give him the calpol like substance. Niamh nods and sits Matthew on the bed "Matthew would you like some magical medicine" Niamh smiles happily at Matthew as she crosses her legs and sits facing him on the bed.

Matthew shakes his head and claps his mouth shut, "not even a little bit?" She smiles and Matthew shakes his head.

Niamh smiles and just sets the syringe down on the side, "please yourself" she mutters and sirs and watches him play with a bit of fraying string on his sling.

"Where's Daddy?" Matthew mumbles.

"He's waiting outside Matthew, he's very worried" she replies.

Matthew looks at her rather concerned, "can I give Daddy a hug?" He asks and Niamh shrugs. "Please Mummy" he begs.

"But you've got to take the magical medicine first, and listen to the Nurses and doctors" she says.

Matthew nods and smiles happily, she grabs the syringe and puts it into his mouth and pushes it slowly into his mouth. He takes the calpol and smiles before licking his lips "that's nice, can I have more?" He giggles.

"No that's enough for little boys like you" she smiles and strokes his hand.

"I am a big boy!" He says loudly and Niamh smiles.
"Inside voices please Matthew" Niamh giggles as he starts to seem himself. "How are you feeling baby?" Niamh questions.

"It hurts" Matthew mumbles.

"I know it does but mummy promises you'll feel much better soon, so will you let the lovely nurse sort your eye?" Niamh asks and Matthew gives a slight nod.

The nurse takes the eye patch off to reveal a nasty cut above his eye, "ow ow ow!" Matthew cries as she cleans the cut.

Niamh holds Matthews free hand and strokes his "Matthew close your eyes and pretend you're trying to hide from Daddy when he plays hide and seek with you" she smiles and Matthew does exactly that.

The nurse begins to glue the cut back together and Matthew gets rather fidgety. "Still Matthew, remember you're behind the curtains and the curtains move don't they" Niamh says to him.

He smiles a little and holds her hand tightly as the nurse finishes gluing his eye back together. "Ouch Mummy, it hurts" he cries.

"I know sweetie but stay still" she says.

The nurse finishes properly and Matthew sits back up and hugs Niamh. Soon Joe is allowed to come in and he sits in the chair beside Matthew on the bed, "oh son you've been very clumsy haven't you" Joe smiles.

"Silly car" Matthew smiles.

Niamh gives an unsure look to Joe and he just smiles back at her, "Matthew what were you doing though?" Niamh asks.

"Natalie wouldn't zip my coat up so I stopped and zipped my coat up" Matthew replies.

" the middle of the road" Niamh sighs and Matthew nods.

Joe looks at her and Niamh doesn't look back "we need to get this sorted that Natalie is a fat load of good" Joe says and she agrees with him.

"He could go to a proper primary school and do nursery there" Niamh says as she strokes Matthews leg.

The doctor comes back over and reads Matthews notes "will he be able to go home today?" Niamh asks as she watches the doctor.

"We'll see" the doctor replies and walks off.

"Thanks that was really helpful" she says in a raised tone.

"Niamh shut up, there are sick people in here" Joe says. She rolls her eyes and gets up. "Where are you going." He adds as Niamh walks off.

"To get some fresh air" she replies and heads out the A&E and sits on a bench outside trying to gather her thoughts and make sense of everything.
Someone sits down next to her but Niamh doesn't acknowledge them, she carries on looking down at the ground and taking easy breaths.

"Thought you worked in an imaginary hospital" the person next to her replies but Niamh doesn't say anything, after around two minutes they speak up again "rather rude aren't you? You seemed so lovely on Twitter and all that but you're just as rude and obnoxious as most actors" the person replies and Niamh looks up at them and huffs.

"What do you want!" She says in a harsh tone.

"God sorry I spoke" the girl replies, Niamh just looks at the young girl sat there in her school PE kit, arm in a sling and her knees covered in mud and blood.

"Are you following me?" Niamh snaps.

The girl is taken back but Niamh and shakes her head "no I've been out here ages, waiting for my mum" she says.

"Didn't need your life story darling" Niamh huffs.

"God you are horrible, you hide behind your Twitter account, sorry I spoke to you I was only after someone to speak too" the girl replies.

Joe comes out of the entrance and looks over at Niamh but she doesn't see him, "I don't care who you are, I don't care if you think I'm a horrible person. You're not the one with a ill child, you fucking want a conversation go talk to someone else, seriously can't I be left alone for one minute" Niamh says in a raised time.

"But I..." She is cut off by Niamh starting again.

"Don't even speak to me, don't I'm pissed off as it is don't even try you silly girl" Niamh says as she goes to hit her as she's that upset and isn't thinking straight.

Joe runs over and stops Niamh from hitting the girl "stop Niamh, what are you playing at!" Joe says as she pulls her away leaving the girl in total shock.

He drags her back inside and stands with her in the corridor "what the hell were you playing at!" Joe snaps.

"She wouldn't leave me be" Niamh mumbles.

"Well there was no need to almost lash out at the girl" Joe replies and Niamh nods and she just hugs him tightly.

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