A girly Chat

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"I think I'm pregnant..." Ellie announces as she looks up from Maisie.
"What!" Niamh says quickly.
"Your the only one I could go to" she replies.

"Woah, oh right... how can I help?" Niamh laughs awkwardly.
"What did you do at the beginning?" Ellie smiles.
"I took a test, well first off with Matthew I told Joe..." she begins.

"You think I should tell him" Ellie asks.
"Tell Kyle... he will understand, anyway you two are more stable than Joe and I all those years ago" Niamh smiles as she picks her cup of tea up.

"That's true" Ellie smiles, "but he's always said he isn't ready yet" she adds.

Niamh thinks to herself for a moment, "I suggest maybe you just drop it on him, I did that to Joe. Look at us now, married with two children" she chuckles.

"Scared him half to death" Ellie laughs.
Niamh nods with a smirk on her face, "oh yes, pure bliss" She smiles and places her mug down on the coffee table.

"I guess your right" Ellie smiles and looks down at Maisie who has fallen asleep.

Niamh smiles and looks across at Maisie. "Oh look, I love it when she's asleep" she smiles
"I bet you do, would you like me to put her down somewhere" Ellie says.

"It's fine, you can hold her for a while longer if you like" Niamh smiles as she looks at the time.

"How could I say no" Ellie smiles as she admires Maisie more.

Niamh smiles and gets up before walking into the kitchen, she unloads the washing machine again and quickly puts it in the dryer before setting it up and returning to the lounge.

"Come on then how excited were your family to know you were back?" Niamh smiles as she sits down.

"I guess they were all happy to see me you know, my brother wasn't best pleased as I had to stop with him as the flat had a leak" Ellie smiles as she gently switches which arm Maisie is lying in.

"Oh do you know when is it getting fixed?" Niamh asks.
"Today funnily enough" Ellie smiles.

"Oh do you need any help getting back in? Would like the company" Niamh smiles.

"I should be fine but you're welcome to come round any time" Ellie smiles back.
"Oh ok, I'll make sure I pop in sometime this week, see if Joe can have the kids for a few hours" she smiles.

Ellie smiles as she notices Maisie starting to stir. "Is she hurting your arms yet" Niamh laughs as she takes a sip of her tea.

"Slightly, but it's no problem... oh maisie that's not a very nice face" Ellie coos as Maisie starts to wriggle and screw her face up at Ellie.

"That probably means she'll need changing soon" Niamh laughs as she looks down at her.

"Oh lord you can have her back then... I'm not into that stuff" Ellie replies with a concerned look on her face.

"Well if you are pregnant you'll have to do all this, Matthew was the words worse for having a leaky nappy... and last week Maisie got it all up her back" Niamh chuckles watching Ellie's face.

"Your kidding right" Ellie says in disgust.
Niamh laughs and shakes her head, "nope."
"Not a bit of me" Ellie laughs and hands Maisie to Niamh.

Niamh smiles and carries Maisie over to a box and grabs it with her free arm and places it on the sofa before grabbing the changing mat.

Niamh places Maisie on the mat, "mind passing me that bag?" She asks.

"What's in the bag?" Ellie replies nervously as she watches Niamh unbutton Maisie's body vest.

"Just the general, nappies and wipes for her" Niamh explains.

"Ohh okay" Ellie smiles as she grabs the bag and brings it to Niamh.
"You ever changed one before" Niamh asks, Ellie shakes her head and sits back down.

Niamh changed Maisie's nappy and places it in a nappy bag before getting a new one.

"You want to be quick she might pee on you" Ellie chuckles watching the speed Niamh goes at.

"Oh that's Joe's job. He gets everything when they don't have a nappy on" Niamh smirks.

"Lucky one" Ellie smiles.

"Oh I know, but I get the sick, Matthew still has a thing for being sick on me. A couple of weeks back he ran up to me and was sick in my lap" she laughs and rolls her eyes as she puts Maisie's grow back on her.

"I would defiantly be worse with the sick, I think it's the smell" Ellie says pulling a face.
"I've gotten used to it, mop it up and carry on" Niamh smirks before lifting Maisie up and resting her against her shoulder.

"I guess you have to" Ellie replies.
Niamh chuckles and stands up with Maisie, "the worst was Matthew in the back of Joes car, the smell and well Joe went mad, he'd just had it cleaned" She chuckles putting Maisie stuff away and sitting back down.

"I bet that didn't go down well, he does like his clean car" Ellie laughs.

"With two kids... I doubt it'll be clean for very much longer... best of it is he turned around to me the other day and said he would like us to have a third... I just laughed at him and told him he can do that himself" she chuckles as she rests Maisie in her arms. "Do you mind if I feed her?" She adds with a smile.

"Oh no go ahead" she smiles, "I can't believe he actually said that when he's at work most the time anyway" Ellie laughs.

Niamh chuckles to herself before unclipping her nursing bra, Maisie starts to cry when she notices what is happening, she stretches and kicks out as Niamh brings her closer before she latches.

"Your such a natural, know just what to do, I know you had Matthew years ago but I wasn't around too much" Ellie smiles.

Niamh smiles and gently pats Maisie's bum. "I had no idea what I was doing with Matthew. I wasn't even ready for a baby back then" She chuckles.

"Can't believe that was 6 years ago" Ellie smiles as she notices a picture frame with a new born Matthew in.

"It's crazy, it hit me now but he got until he started school, would you believe he's in going into year 2 now" Niamh smiles proudly.

Ellie smiles and looks at the other photos of the window ledge. "That's crazy, is he enjoying himself? Maybe I could come with you when you pick him up?" She suggests.

"He still very cheeky as always and he's starting to make more friends too, come with me he'll love to see you" Niamh smiles as she pulls her top back up as Maisie has drifted off again.

Ellie smiles and stands up, straightening her top out. "Can I just pop to your loo?" Ellie smiles.

"Yes, through the kitchen second door on the right" Niamh replies as she moves a sleepy Maisie into her Moses basket.

"Thank you" and Ellie makes her way to the bathroom while Niamh stands up and walks to the door where Maisie's car seat is.
She picks it up and carries it into the lounge and places it on the sofa.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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