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Luke: Waking up before you seemed to be quite a rare occurrence, but whenever he awoke before you he made straight for the kitchen. He wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed and remind you that he loved you. While his cooking skills may not have been as great as your own, he knew that the gesture was beyond romantic because what girl didn’t want to wake up to breakfast in bed? Even though he knew it was beyond cliché and cheesy, he would place the food on a tray and carry it into your room and place it on the nightstand. Taking a moment, he would breathe in your beauty and just enjoy you sleeping so soundly before he would lean down and pepper your hairline with soft, sweet kisses.

Calum: It seemed to be a contest for the two of you; who could wake up before the other. Sometimes it seemed silly because you would miss out on sleep, but on the mornings you awoke first, a smile would creep across your face to see him still sleeping so soundly, the exhaustion from the night before slowly easing away from his face. You knew how exhausting his job could be, especially when the two of you were apart and trying to make your long distance relationship work. However, it was mornings like these that reminded you just how much the sadness and the utter exhaustion from lack of sleep was worth it; seeing him asleep, looking still so much like that boy you fell in love with long ago.

Michael: On those rare occasions where he wakes up before you, he knows that something is wrong. Whether it be that you have a headache or just were feeling down, he instantly knew that it was no time to be goofing off and trying to wake you up. Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, he’ll press a small kiss to your temple and rub your back slowly, letting you know that everything is going to be okay. He doesn’t want to wake you; he’s so content with just holding you and rubbing your back; wanting nothing more than to take away whatever it is that is causing you pain whether it’s the physical pain of a headache or an illness, the mental pain from a stressful day at work, or emotional pain that was sometimes caused by the hateful words you were forced to read about yourself online.

Ashton: With him, it seemed as though you were never going to wake up first. He enjoyed the mornings so much and would always wake you up much before you were ready. There was always a reason: he wanted you to see the sky, he made your favorite breakfast, he wanted the two of you to get some coffee, or he simply wanted to see your beautiful eyes. Even though you grumbled endlessly when he would wake you up so early, it was hard not to embrace the happiness he was experiencing in the morning. It was contagious really, the feeling of utter joy to be out in the morning air and breathing it all in. These moments were so simple but they reminded you how easy it was to fall in love with him over and over again.


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