your safe now

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Mike moped around the crowded halls of Hawkins Middle School. He never cared about what was happening anymore. How could he? After everything he was put through at a young age, the worst was losing her. Of course he was happy that his best friend and family were safe but something was missing.

He missed seeing her smile. Her big, hazel eyes that glistened in the sunlight. She accepted him for who he was and was by his side every step of the way. He had only known her for a week but during that short amount of time he had felt a connection towards her. He had fallen for her.

"Damn El, what have you done to me?" thought Mike.

He entered his classroom and sat next to Dustin, Lucas, and Will. They each greeted him happily in hopes of getting him in a good mood but like every other time, they failed.

"Hey buddy!" said Lucas, patting his back. Mike waved slowly at all of them.

"How was your morning?" questioned Will. Mike groaned and replied with a small "ok". The boys sighed and soon the bell rang and class started. Mr. Clarke walked in and greeted the class.

"Hello everyone! So today, we'll be learning about Matter and Energy." he said. Everyone focused on what he wrote on the board but Mike was lost in his own world.

He remembered her caring personality. The way she'd look into your eyes left you starstruck. Her delicate laugh and small attributes were breathtaking. Lucas and Dustin thought he was crazy for liking a girl he'd just met but the thing is, she saved them. She risked her life for them. For him. How could you forget someone so special just like that? Mike would do anything just to see her-

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud ringing noise.
"Excuse me." said Mr. Clarke. He stood up and answered the telephone.
"Mhm, alright I'll call em' up," said Mr. Clarke, "Mike, Will, Lucas, and Dustin, you're needed in the office." The class filled with chatter. The guys gulped and walked out the class.
"What do you think they want?" whispered Will.
"I don't know! I haven't done anything bad! Have you?" whispered Dustin. They all shook their heads. They stopped infront of the office door and gulped. Mike put his hand on the knob and opened it slowly.

They walked inside and saw Hopper sitting on a chair, watching the news.
"What's going on?" asked Will. Hopper looked up and pointed at the television.
"At 8:24, the manager of Super-Mart on Maple Street was attacked by a little girl," said the news anchor, "Sir, can you tell us what happened?"

"Yes, so a girl about 5"4 came in the store. She had a dirty pink dress and a blue flannel that were torn up. She had a pixie cut and managed to steal 3 boxes of Eggos!" said the manager. They looked away from the t.v and saw Mike staring at the screen.

"Mike? Mike!" said Lucas.
"Are you ok?" asked Dustin, waving his hands infront of Mike's face.
"I went to investigate the scene and they said she ran to the woods. I went to look for her and-" Hopper was interrupted by a tall, fragile girl walk out the nurse's door. Mike brought his attention to the girl. As soon as he saw her hazel eyes, he felt weak.
"E-El-" stuttered Mike.
"Mike." said Eleven.

He ran to her and hugged her tightly.
"Let's give them some privacy." whispered Hopper. The boys nodded and walked out, still in shock. Eleven sobbed into his shoulder, tightening her grip.
"It's ok. Your safe now." said Mike, tightening his grip as well. Mike held on to her with no reason to let go. She's here, in my arms. Mike leaned out, arms still wrapped around her torso, and looked into her eyes. El smiled and Mike felt a burning sensation in his stomach.
"I missed you so much." whispered Mike.
"I missed you too." whispered El. Mike slowly leaned in and connected his lips on her hers. El stood in shock for a second but soon leaned in. They shared a long, passionate kiss that made their love for each other stronger. They leaned out and smiled, arms still around each other. She's back. She's safe. And i'm never letting go again.

i need a mileven reunion in s2. only 40 days left:,) hope you like this book! love you<3

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