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El sat in the blue chair beside many other students. She bounced her leg up and down, tapping her fingers against the desk.

Mr. Clarke spoke to the whole class, hoping this time more than just the party would actually pay attention.

And listen, El loved learning about the subjects in school and all but today was just not one of those days.

She seemed distracted a bit, one thing, much more a person, was on her mind.

Michael Wheeler, who so happens to be sitting right next to her.

She turned her head to face him, propping her elbow on the desk and laying her chin on the palm of her hand.

She felt as if she would melt right then and there.

The way his brown eyes glistened as the sunlight glowed inside. How he would smile or laugh everytime the teacher would joke around. His freckles standing out on his pale cheeks like constellations, as she always told him.

The boy truly fascinated her, wondering how she could love someone as much as he could ever care for her.

She continued to stare at him dreamily as she felt a presence arrive beside her. It could only be one boy.

A soft sigh arose from Dustin, who was in fact her partner, and made the same arm position as her.

"Isn't he dreamy?" whispered Dustin sarcastically.

The smile on El's face just grew more wide as she replied, "Yeah." with a long sigh at the end.

On the other side, Mike caught her staring at him as she quickly looked away, continuing a conversation with Dustin.

He began to examine her closely. Her pink lips that rose almost every ten seconds due to Dustin's jokes and how she would glance at him every once and while, immediately blushing as she caught him staring.

How could he not stare? She was gorgeous to him.

He had finally found someone who made him happy by just being there with him. Someone who made him feel all bubbly inside when he thought about her.

And even though they had been together for almost a year, the two still felt a strong connection towards each other. And it would be that way for a long time.

Suddenly, he now felt someone beside him, copying the same action he was doing.

"Isn't she beautiful?" questioned Max, who was his partner, sarcastically.

Mike let out a small laugh and commented, "Yeah." along with a long sigh just like his girlfriend had said.

The bell rang loudly, startling everyone.
"Alright class, have a nice weekend!" said Mr. Clarke, waving at the kids who exited the classroom and following after the rest.

As soon as El stood up from her chair, Mike stood right beside her.

"Hey sweetie." grinned El, connecting her hand with his.

"Hi love." smiled Mike, laying a kiss on her cheek.

"Why do you always have to do all of this romantic shit in front of me?" argued Dustin covering his eyes and turning around.

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