broken hearts club

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broken and distraught

such words that describe the boy who sat in his basement every night for 353 days. it reflected on the once innocent boy who had been exposed to the frightening side of the world.

michael wheeler was a broken and distraught boy with many thoughts about the disappearance of the girl with telekinesis.

the girl he had learned to admire with a number as a name.

eleven had grown to be very special to him, and it truly did something to him when she left.

and no matter how many times his friends or sister asked him, he just couldn't bring himself to fully tell what was going on with him.

they knew it was because of her but never understood why it affected him so much.

maybe it was because she risked her life for them, but not until after almost a year would they realize the answer. what mike had been unable to put into words but play over and over again in his head.

eleven had been one of the few people who actually listened to him. she liked him for who he was. no matter what he did or said, she stuck with him.

and that meant so damn much to him.

she showed him feelings and emotions he never knew existed. feelings he couldn't wrap around his mind but enjoyed.

from the moment their eyes locked during the rain in the woods to her weary eyes leaving his tear-filled eyes as she destroyed the demogorgen, he knew she would be an important part in his life.

and as he opened his eyes to see nothing but a broken chalkboard, something inside him failed.

it was as if she had taken something of his. she had not only saved his family and friends but had also changed him.

and when he saw her stand inside the byers home after so many days, he dropped the candlestick in shock.

he pushed past hopper, now standing infront of the rest with his mouth gaped open.

el was standing right there, a similar expression on her face.

his dark brown eyes held tears of joy now, his mouth now curling up into a smile.

she had come home.


alone and confused

eleven hopper had been a lonely and confused girl ever since she had been born.

growing up in a lab with so much as a man who treated her like an object had only bad effects. martin brenner had given the poor girl the worst twelve years of her life, abusing and threatening her everyday.

that left her scared, of the undiscovered world and people that was in store for her.

but she had escaped the hellhole, and there was where her life actually begun.

she found a boy, along with his two friends. the kids had been looking for something, someone they love, but el still hadn't discovered who that was for her.

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