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Eleven sat on her pink bed, silently crying. Tears streamed down her cheeks as the memories from just a couple hours ago came rushing back.

Two weeks. Two weeks since hell started for her. Someone was targeting her. Purposely trying to make her feel usless. It hurt her, a lot. She just wanted to the pain to be over.

Suddenly, a knock arose from the door, startling her.

   "Can I come in?" asked a familiar voice.

She wiped her tears and took a deep breath.
   "Yeah, come in." replied El.

A boy with dark brown, curly hair crept in, sitting beside the secretly broken girl.

   "We have something to talk about, you and me."said Mike, looking at her directly.

   "I don't like it when we fight." said El, plastering a small fake smile.

   "I'm going to be with you for the rest of your life. We're gonna have some conflicts in the way." stated Mike.

   "What do we do?" questioned El.

   "We will work them out. We'll always work them out because we love and care for each other. And if things get rough, maybe we'll throw some words at each other but we'll still be together. Because both of us know that we would go crazy without one another." explained Mike.

   "So we have no conflict anymore?" asked El.

   "No. Now we have a new one."

El felt her smile drop and shoulders slump. She knew what was about to come.

   "Why wouldn't you come to me?...How could you not come to me if someone is hurting you?" frowned Mike, laying his hand on hers.

Subtle tears began to form in her eyes, showing her pain.

   "I'm humiliated, Mike. I didn't want to let you see me humiliated." sniffled El.

   "You thought it would just go away?"

   "Mhm," nodded El, "I-It's getting worse."

   "You know what's the difference between a conflict with a bully and a conflict with someone who loves you?" sighed Mike.

El shook her head and frowned. He leaned closer and wrapped his arms around her. She graciously accepted and hugged his waist.

   "I love you so much." whispered El.
   "I love you too." smiled Mike.

   "I'm really sorry I took everything out on you. I said some things I didn't mean." said El.

   "It's fine. I knew it wasn't you talking," continued Mike, "And I'm sorry I didn't hear what you were trying to say earlier. I should've helped you."

   "It's not your fault. I decide to keep alot of things to myself. This one just, slipped out." shrugged El.

They stared at each other in a comfortable slience until-


   "Stop calling me that! People shouldn't make fun of other people! What did I ever do to you?" blurted El, water showing in her eyes.

Mike looked back alarmed, he hadn't heard this much pain in her voice since so long.

She closed her eyes and stood up, walking to the window.

   "You exist. You exist, and you're a weirdo and you get in the way of what I want so stop being stupid and stop being happy! You don't deserve anything in this world, you useless bitch," shouted El, "Stop being who you are, or I'm going to end you myself." shouted El, repeating the exact words said by a rude girl.

Mike stared at her in shock, sadness and anger bubbling inside. The fact that the girl he loves is going through this, hiding in despair, and he hadn't done anything to stop it was painful enough for him.

   "Okay." choked out Mike, tears forming in his eyes.

   "I'm fine." squeaked El.

   "I'm not, how long?" sniffled Mike.

   "A-A couple weeks," cried El, "This has been going on for a couple weeks."

She fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands, letting everything out. Mike hurried down and held her in his arms.

   "El I got you." soothed Mike, tears falling down his cheeks now.

   "I tried dealing with them Mike! Their not reasonable people." sobbed El.

   "How do I handle this? I don't know how to handle this."

   "You're not alone."

   "But I thought I was supposed to handle this on my own." questioned El.

   "No you don't. You know that whatever happens, whatever is going on, I will help you through it. Because I care about you too damn much to watch you get hurt. This right now, It hurts. Knowing that those jerks are making you feel awful." stated Mike.

El sniffled and layed her head against his chest.

   "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just wanted to handle things on my own now. And I knew you were going to do something stupid and try to hurt them."

   "Oh honey, I'm definitely gonna kill those bastards." smirked Mike El softly smiled and laughed. Of course he will, it's Mike.

He leaned out and cupped her face, wiping the few tears from her cheeks.

   "Now, you're going to stay exactly who you are and never let anyone bring you down. Continue being that badass, sweet, stunning El I know and love." grinned Mike.

El nodded and pressed her lips against his, lightening the mood. Mike smiled and brought his hands down to her waist.

The two sat on the wooden floor, kissing and blushing like crazy.

girl meets world was my fucking show before st like i was obsessed with it lol
also ty for 40k reads:)

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