forest fire

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this is possibly the most strange and most long oneshot i've written. enjoy crying to this shit!

the sky held dark red clouds and booming thunder, wind swirling around the atmosphere.

the town of hawkins had been swept of its feet, the gate to the upside down growing and allowing its dangerous and terrifying monstrosities into the real world.

almost all of the town had evacuated, leaving their home behind. everyone except-

the doors to the abandoned lab of hawkins slammed open. mike ran out with sweat dripping from his face, determination and worry in his veins.

"mike, get the hell back here!" yelled lucas, rushing behind him with the rest of the party.

mike ignored his friends as he continued to run towards the two most important people in his life.

   "what the hell is wrong with him?" asked max, still running towards the boy as sweat began to drip from her forehead.

   "this is mike we're talking about! it's both his best friend and girlfriend in danger..." trailed off dustin.

the three kids stopped as they saw mike stop in the field of hawkins middle school. the sky was darker than ever and a somewhat shadow swirled across the sky.

they ran the final steps and stood behind mike, examining what was happening in front of them.

   "el! will!" yelled mike. lucas and dustin both held the boy back as he tried to get to them.

will and el stood in the middle of the field. both kids stood far away from each other, frozen in place. tears sprawled down their face, pain visible in their expressions.

   "w-what's going on?" questioned max.

the shadow in the sky was now fully visible, towering over the abandoned city. it looked stronger, anger somehow being visible.

for a moment, everything was still. not a single sound, nor a word spoken or movement from the kids.

and then the shadow speed towards the two kids, alarming them all. el immediately reacted, focusing on the huge shadow that went for them both.

   "holy shit!" screamed dustin, trying his best to keep mike from running away along with lucas and max.

but el was drained, and she couldn't hold back for much longer. will and el let out a loud scream as the shadow monster surrounded the them, hearing the screams of their friends as well.

   "no el!" cried mike, fighting against the boy's hold.

but soon the shadows faded away, leaving will and el staring right at each other with fuming anger.

   "t-the shadow's taken them over!" said lucas in horror.

the wind now picked up its pace, causing for the kids to hide behind the wall.

the wind now picked up its pace, causing for the kids to hide behind the wall.

   "you've caused us too much pain. everything bad that we've gone through in these past years have all been because of the monster inside you!" yelled will.

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