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el walked beside nancy and hopper through the dark pathway in the woods.

it had been a few hours since the group had split up to find mike and it wasn't looking too good.

"when are you gonna tell me why my brother ran away?" questioned nancy, walking behind the two.

they only kept quiet as they continued walking through the pathway, making nancy impatient. she grabbed el's arm and pulled her back, causing her to gasp.

"el, please tell me. i need to know what happened." demanded nancy.

she looked into the girl's scared eyes and quickly let go of her arm, "i-i'm sorry. i shouldn't have done that."

"it's fine. w-we had a big argument before, i told him to stop being so protective of me and he told me he couldn't lose me again and i just..." trailed off el, tears brimming in her eyes. "i told him that i didn't care if i lost him. but i didn't mean it, i really didn't. i was just mad."

nancy quickly pulled her in a hug, feeling el's arms wrap around her waist as she cried. "don't worry, we'll find him."

suddenly, the sound of rustling arose from around the corner.

"girls, cut the sweet crap and get over here!" whispered hopper, gesturing for them to come.

"mike!" yelled el before nancy eased her down.

they followed behind the man, finding a wide empty spot. there was a boy with dark, raven hair. he looked around the place, as if he had also heard something too.

but there had also been another boy on the ground, unconscious possibly. it was troy harrington, a sharp knife beside him.

el sighed in relief, pushing past the two. "mike!"

he looked at the girl with a small smile. "el."

suddenly from the corner of her eye, she saw troy stand up as he held the knife in his hand. he slowly charged towards the boy.

"mike, look out!" shouted el.

but before he could react, the knife had made contact with his back, blood quickly rushing out.

"no!" screamed el, running towards him.

troy entered the knife once more before he ran off, nancy and hopper chasing after him.

mike fell to her knees, his body swaying. el quickly dropped infront of him, grabbing the collar of his blue jacket. "mike! mike, hey."

she wrapped and arm around her waist, touching the wound delicately. she felt the blood cover his hand, making her cringe slightly.

"hey, look. it's not even that bad, alright." breathed el, showing her his hand. mike looked at her with almost-closed eyes.

"mike! listen to me, we're gonna patch you up okay? i can give you some of my energy. you're gonna be as good as new. i'm going to take care of you, i got you." she stated, holding his face in his hands. he just shook her head.

"nothing i said back there was true, i love you. i love you so much. and i truly can't lose you, mike. i realized you're the only thing keeping me from going insane in this world. please, don't leave me. not like t-this." then, she felt his slow breathing stop. his body felt numb.

"mike, mike? michael!" cried el.

she stared at his face and saw tears stained on his pale cheeks, finally making tears form in her eyes. ", no!"

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