white roses

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the world never stopped spinning for jane hopper. there hadn't been at least one month of peace for her, if was always something that ruined her life.

whether it was a deadly force from the upside down or a haunting fact from her past, it broke her down.

but she was lucky enough to have her family by her side, the ones who never left her.

they all played a special part in her life, it was almost as if they were sent from heaven especially for her.

hopper and joyce, her guardians that want the best for her and brings her joy.

nancy, jonathan, and steve, they all protected her from any harm, whether it cost their lives, and made her happy.

dustin, lucas, max, and will, the ones that never gave up on her. they always helped her with anything and never failed to make her smile.

and then the boy that she truly couldn't live without.

he was the person jane hopper loved the most, without any doubt. he showed her the world, always by her side no matter what.

he was able to calm her down whenever she was at her worst and could make her smile or laugh without even trying.

michael wheeler made el happy, and that was the best gift she had received.

he cared and protected her at all costs. and of course she would get mad when he would put himself last and only focus on her but that's just how he did it in situations like that, no one could separate him from el.

that boy was her escape from reality, and the things he did for her made her truly lucky.

el sat on the white rocking chair, her legs swaying back and forth.

she held the hard covered book 'the outsiders' in her hands, reaching to push up her glasses every once in a while.

her hairline was parted in the middle, her brown locks falling down to her shoulders. she wore a striped shirt and a black denim skirt, along with her signature white converse.

she had those shoes since the week she escaped from hawkins lab and the shirt was a gift from mike, so they could match of course.

she heard the door creak open, leading for her to dart her attention away from the interesting book. there stood a tall mike with a goofy grin, holding his hands in his pockets.

   "hi love!" he exclaimed, sitting beside her.

she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled, "hey mike!" she leaned out and noticed his eyes on the book.

   "have you read this?" questioned el, holding up the book.

   "like it? i love it! when dally killed himself since johnny died and he was the only thing dally ever loved, that messed me up." stated mike, taking a deep breath.

he turned over to see el glaring back at him, then noticing the bookmark on page 64. his eyes widened as he face palmed.

   "oh shit, i'm really sorry." apologized mike.

el shook her head and held his hands in hers, "it's alright."

mike stared into her eyes but quickly caught himself, looking back down at their conjoined hands.

that isn't the reason you're here, mike! ok, maybe a little bit.

   "hey, i have an idea to make you easily forget my spoilers!" said mike.

   "what is it?" replied el, taking off her glasses and putting them aside.

   "just trust me, you'll love it. now follow me." smiled mike, standing up.

the car ride to the mysterious location was quite loud considering it was only el, jonathan, will and mike.

the girl had a blindfold over her eyes, making her even more curious.

the three boys chatted the whole trip, mike's hand still conjoined with el's. the car finally came to a stop, the sound of seatbelts being unbuckled.

   "alright, so i'll be here to pick you up around 8:00. don't do anything stupid and have fun!" grinned jonathan.

mike replied with a "yes" and opened the door, leading el outside.

   "oh they'll be having fun, jonathan." smirked will.

mike rolled his eyes and looked back into the car, "anything else?"

   "yeah, take care of yourself and my sister." stated jonathan, tapping against the wheel. mike simply nodded and closed the door, still hearing bickering from the two siblings.

   "can i take the blindfold off now?" asked el.
   "almost, like in a couple seconds." stated mike, walking straight ahead to the magical terrain.

   "did he say steve was coming also to pick us up?" questioned el.

mike softly giggled, he knew how much she loved her step brothers but she also loved steve just as much. the two grew very fond of each other, hanging out every week.

"i'm not sure but he always comes." laughed mike.

the two finally stopped in their tracks, a soft brezze brushing through them.

"and...here it is." trailed off mike, untying the cloth from her eyes.

el looked around the place in awe. they stood on the grassy cliff, a waterfall standing tall right ahead of them with a rainbow spread across. massive patches of flowers swayed in the wind, a large blanket layed on the ground a few inches away.

"this...this place is amazing! when did you find it?" questioned el, still admiring the rainbow.

"well," started mike, "after you had disappeared, i began taking long walks to clear my mind. it was honestly the thing that helped me the most, just exploring all around hawkins. and one day, i discovered this place and i knew that when you came back, i just had to show it to you."

el darted her attention towards the boy, who looked at the waterfall with glossy eyes.

she gripped his shoulders and turned him to face her, standing on her tippy toes and laying her lips on his.

he stood at the tallest, obviously, being 5"8 and her being 5"3.

she slowly leaned out and gazed up at his eyes, rubbing her thumbs against his arms.

   "hey, i'm here now and i'm never leaving your side. and there wasn't any day that went by where i didn't think of you either." whispered el.

   "i know, i know. all of this time we've spent together has taught me that i can't live without you." mike gave a small smile and led her to the blanket, laying down to look up at the sky.

   "i can't live without you too, you're the most important person in my life." she replied, laying her head on his shoulder.

   "i love you, el." stated mike.
   "i love you too, mike." said el.

and for the rest of the fun-packed day with her soulmate, el had forgotten what had happened in the book.

sorry i haven't been updating, my mom took away my phone bc i got grounded and i have finals next week:( but i'll try updating more!

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