not interested

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Eleven searched around the locker for her Science textbook.

Science was definitely her favorite subject, not only because it fascinated her, because her best friends were there too.

A green book finally appeared through the mess, making its way to her. She picked it up and placed it in her backpack.

She glanced at a picture of her and Mike and smiled. He truly did make her feel happy.

Suddenly, the locker door slammed close, startling El.

   "Hey," said the boy, "I'm Jason." He was about 5"5, blonde hair, the jock type.

   "H-Hi, I'm Jane." mumbled El, looking down.
   "Jane, what a lovely name." grinned Jason.

He leaned in close to her, faces only inches away.
   "Uh-thanks." stuttered El. She was very uncomfortable at this point.

   "Yeah anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school. you know, have some fun." He chewed his gum loudly, leaning more and more close towards the girl.

Gaining her senses, El pushed him away and stepped back.
   "No thanks." replied El.

The boy looked at her in shock.
   "Did you just say no?" asked Jason.
   "Did I stutter? I said no, Jason. I have a boyfriend." exclaimed El.

Jason's eyes grew with anger. His breathing started to increase, scaring her.

He grabbed the collar of her shirt, bringing her up close.
   "Listen here princess, no one says no to me! got that? Also, you're little boyfriend wouldn't mind if you stayed with me." snarled Jason.

He brought his arm back and attempted to swing it at her face, only to be punched in the face.

   "Actually, yes he would." growled Mike.

El stood in shock, examining their actions. Jason stood up and grabbed his jaw.
   "Woah, Mike has a girl! Tell me, how did you do it?" questioned Jason.

   "Because he's not a douchebag like you." said El, clenching her fist.

He whipped around to face her.
   "Take that back you bitch!" yelled Jason. He took his hand and slapped it across her face, making her stand back in pain.

Mike turned him around and punched him multiple times in the face, gaining the kids attention.

   "Beat his ass!" shouted the students. He kept on pounding on his face until-

   "Guys! Knock it off!" yelled Nancy. Her, Jonathan, and Steve emerged from the crowd, making their way towards the three.

   "Mike, stop it!" demanded Jonathan. They managed to remove him from the bloddy Jason. Nancy kneeled beside El, soothing her.

Steve and Jonathan held Mike back as Jason stood up alarmed.

   "What the hell is wrong with you two?" shouted Steve.

"I was just trying to invite this young lady to dinner and then Wheeler here starts attacking me!" said Jason. The three teens stared at the blonde boy in realization.

"I did because she's my girlfriend and you slapped her!" replied Mike, shrugging off the two boys. He went up close to Jason, only inches away from him.

"If you ever talk or hurt her like that again, you're dead. She's been through so much and it hurts seeing your dumbass make her go through more pain. Now, you're going to leave her alone and respect other girls, got it dipshit?" whispered Mike.

Jason eyes widened but slowly nodded. He stood back and ran out the building. The students cheered wildly.

"Yeah Mike! Teach that bitch a lesson!" chanted the students.
"Alright, shows over!" shouted Steve and Jonathan, ushering the kids away.

Once the hallways was empty, the four surrounded El.

"El, are you okay?" asked Mike. El slowly revealed her red, tear-stained cheek.

"It'll heal, don't worry." said Nancy. Mike slowly lifted his hand and touched her cheek gently.

"Let's go home." said Mike. He stood up and grabbed El's hand, helping her up.

"Are you guys coming?" asked El. The three friends glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Sure, last class is always boring." said Steve. Nancy and Jonathan elbowed his stomach.

"Of course, anything to help you feel better." corrected Nancy. She grabbed both of the boys hands and ran out of the building to pull up their car.

"Mike," said El.
"Yes?" asked Mike.

"Thank you for defending me. You're the best boyfriend." smiled El.
"Anything for you, El." He picked her up and spun her around.

"Now let's go home!" exclaimed Mike. El laughed and pointed at the door.
"To the exit!" giggled El. They rushed over to the door, slamming it open to the bright landscape.

another short and bad oneshot:)

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