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The Upside Down occupied El, Hopper, Steve, and Jonathan who roamed around, in search of any other human life.

It had been almost a month since Mike was taken by the shadow monster and they only way they could get him back was if it got El instead.

Ever since she closed the gate, the monster had grown angry at her. It wanted her dead, so it thought of her greatest weakness.

Michael Wheeler.

It took him, in hopes of luring El to him, but there had been no sight of the girl lately.

That is, until she finally found out what was really happening.


El layed on her bed as she stared up at the ceiling, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Her glimmering hazel eyes had faded away, turning to a disturbing, dark color.

It had been that way since a couple months ago, the day she lost the person she loved more than ever.

She remembered it so clearly. It could've been her, it should've been her.

She tried everything to save him but nothing worked. The gate was already closed, but what made her think was how it closed.

If she was the only one who could close it and if it was open, who closed it?

She thought of the many possibilities until one caught her mind. What if it wasn't closed?

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, wiping the tears away. She rushed over to her door and slammed it open, all eyes on her.

   "Honey, what's wrong?" asked Joyce.

   "I need to talk to you." stated El, grabbing her brother by the arm and dragging him to her room.

   "Sheesh! What's wrong?" questioned Will.
   "Tell me the truth. Is the gate open or closed?" said El.

   "W-Why are you asking? You know it's-" He was interrupted by El laying both of her hands on his shoulders.

   "Please, Will. I need to know. I don't care if it kills me, I need to find him." cried El.

Will looked into his sister's eyes. They seemed desperate, she was indeed hurt and mad. It brought him pain, he had to tell her the truth.

   "It is open." mumbled Will, loud enough for her to hear.

Tears formed in her eyes as she arose with anger.

   "Why did you tell me it was closed?" asked El.
   "We didn't want you to get hurt. We've all been trying to figure out a way to get him out since it took him. We just never told you because we knew you'd immediately go in there." explained Will.

   "Who's we?" questioned El.
   "The party, our family, and Mike's family." said Will, looking down at his shoes.   

   "Well, you guys were right." whispered El, "I am going to go and find him."

   "But it's too dangerous. The shadow monster will definitely know you're in there and it'll get you!" stated Will.

She ignored him and went over, grabbing a coat from her closet and putting it on.

   "Please don't do this." pleaded Will, already knowing the answer.

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