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   "Lower the sign a bit more to the right." instructed Max, holding a clipboard in her hands.

   "If I go any lower, I'm gonna break my back." laughed Jonathan, arranging the sign titled "Welcome To The World Angel"

   "Dustin, get away from the dessert!" shouted Max, rushing towards him.

   "It look so good though! Whoever made this is a saint." exclaimed Dustin, walking away from the table.

"Thanks man!" peeped Steve, "My mom taught me how to make those."

"What the hell? You're supposed to be setting up their room!" stated Max, growing frustrated.

"Calm down, I finished a couple minutes ago." said Steve, gesturing towards the stairs.

"Nope, that took way to fast. Go back up there and do better," demanded Max, "Nancy are you serious? Why the hell are you putting rainbow balloons up?"

"We don't know if it's a boy or a girl so might as well go crazy." grinned Nancy.

"No, don't go crazy. No one should be going crazy!" yelled Max.

"I can tell you who is." mumbled Will, crossing his arms.

She turned her head slowly, facing him, and charged towards him.

"Woah, woah!" shouted Lucas, retrieving the girl in his arms.

"Can you guys do anything right?" asked Max, struggling against the wrapped arms around her waist.

   "Max, you're taking this way too seriously." said Lucas.

   "I just want my two best friends to have a nice, relaxing party with their baby! Is that too much to ask?" questioned Max.

   "Honey, us just being here for them is probably all they need." soothed Joyce, laying a hand on her shoulder.

   "I guess you're right," sighed Max, "Can we just fix the sign a bit more?"

   "Of course!" replied Hopper, climbing up the stairs. He slightly moved it up and down until-

   "There that's perfect!" exclaimed Max, receiving an eyeroll from Jonathan.

Suddenly, a car pulled up in the driveway of the Wheelers house, scaring the others.

Nancy rushed over to the window and slightly peeked through the curtains.

   "It's them, they're here!" stated Nancy, running beside Max.

   "Alright everyone, when they come in yell "Surprise!" Okay?" instructed Max.

Everyone nodded and went in place.

The door began to gently rattle as an adult was heard from outside.

The door creaked open to reveal El, cradling a baby in her arms.

   "Surprise!" shouted everyone, startling El.

   "Oh my god you guys!" grinned El.

The others huddled around her, observing the baby.

   "It's a girl," awed Max, "Oh Dustin!"
   "Ugh, fine!" groaned Dustin, handing her a twenty dollar bill.

   "Where's Mike?" asked Lucas.

   "Oh, he'll be here in a second." smirked El.

Just then, Mike walked in holding another baby in his arms.

Dustin looked up at the baby and then back to the other.

   "G-Guys," stuttered Dustin, "Look!"

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