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El walked briskly across the grassy hill, feeling the breeze ripple through her chest.

She had just escaped the other dimension almost an hour ago and she was having trouble trying to find her destination.

And out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. A beautiful house that belonged to the Wheeler family, only this night it was surrounded by multiple police cars and bright, flashing red and blue lights.

Her breathing increased slowly as she took a few steps towards the house. She saw the only window that didn't have their curtains closed a few feet away from her, enticing her to go over.

And as soon as she did, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. There sat Mike with two other officers, somewhat arguing over something.

"If she contacts you, you must tell us." stated the tall man. She looked at him helplessly, knowing that they were talking about her.

"Otherwise, your putting yourself and your family in danger. Do you understand, Michael?" asked the woman.

Mike turned his head towards the window, catching a glipse of the girl, and felt tears form in his eyes.

Is she really there, alive?

The two connected stares, tears affecting their vision, and mouths gaped open.

"Michael?" questioned the lady, looking at his hurt expression. The man finally looked in the direction he was staring at and also saw the girl.

"Laura, look!" he shouted, pointing at the window. "It's the girl!" She whipped her head to see El standing their without any movement.

"Everyone, we've found Experiment Eleven!" yelled the man. "She's outside. Be careful."

The officers all huddled up near the front door while Laura kept an eye on the two kids who continued staring at each other in shock.

It was as if the whole world had disappeared and it was only them, no one else.

"She's still out there." whispered Laura. The officers counted down to three quietly, all equipped, and slammed the door open.

They all rushed to the girl who stood at the window. El felt her stare from Mike rip away as other men began to grab and pull her away. She caught a glimpse of Mike's eyes widening and him standing up from his seat.

"No!" yelled Mike, rushing outside as well. He attempted to go to El but was pulled back by other arms.

"Mike!" she screamed, struggling against the men's grip. She shut her eyes closed as she continued screaming his name, tears spilling down her cheeks.

    "Let her go! Please!" shouted Mike, trying to push their arms away from his.

His eyes met hers as they pulled her farther away from him, shoving El onto the ground harshly. She layed down painfully, not able to move, and sobbed silently.

   "Leave my son alone!" yelled Karen, pulling him out of the officers grasp. She watched as his tear filled eyes stared at the scene infront of him, then looking into hers desperately.

"M-Mom, they're hurting h-her! Tell them to stop!" he sobbed, clutching onto his mother.

"What's going on?" questioned a familar voice.

Nancy ran to her mother and brother and felt her eyes widened at the girl's sudden appearance, and on how the men harshly forced her up as she cried.

She then looked at the hurt expression her brother had as he watched her get beaten without any power to help her.

His eyes filled with such anger and fear, almost as if he were to breakdown completely.

He lied. He did like her. The way he described what had happened before she disappeared, the pain in his voice, it all made sense.

He really cared about her, and she cared about him.

"Hey! Leave her alone-" She attempted to run towards her but was stopped short by a couple officers.

"I'm afraid you three have to go back inside. We'll take it from here." instructed the officer, pushing the back to the front door.

   "No, Mike!" she screamed loudly, causing more neighbors to watch the scene. She reached out to him only to see him struggling to get to her as well.

It broke Nancy and Karen's heart seeing and hearing the two fight and scream each other's names, desperately wanting to hold each other.

Happiness, was all they ever wanted. And maybe, just maybe, if El had run away from the house...they could be together.

Except, reality was that Mike was practically forced into his house along with his sister and mother, sobbing loudly as he still shouted El's name.

And El had been jabbed in the neck with a sedative by an officer, feeling her eyes flutter close as tears fell to the grassy ground.

As for now, the two were separated, not knowing whether it was the last time they'd see each other.

au where the bad men actually find & capture el during that scene and well, i hate myself too

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