talking to the moon

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i know you're somewhere out there, somewhere far away

The boys sat around Will's room, playing Dungeons and Dragons.

"We haven't played this in years!" said Dustin.
"It's nice to be together again, like before." smiled Lucas. They all nodded.

Suddenly, they heard crying from outside. The boys ran outside and looked over the wall.

"I-I miss her, Hop. So much!" sobbed Joyce. She clung onto her husband like a child.

Hopper stroke her hair, tears falling from his own eyes. He looked over at multiple pictures of Eleven.
"I know. I miss her too." sniffled Hopper.

i want you back, i want you back

It had been a month since Eleven had passed away.

After she closed the gate, the Mind Flayer had somehow entered her body. It tore her apart, causing her to harm her family.

She loved her family very much, so much she would do anything to keep them safe. Anything.

Once she realized what was happening, she took things into her own hands.

i'm feeling like i'm famous, the talk of the town

Eleven sobbed into her hands. She wanted everything to be over. She didn't want her family to go through any more pain. She looked up and grabbed the gun on her bed.

"No more, no more." She cocked the gun to her head.
"Eleven!" yelled Mike, banging on the door. Eleven jumped up startled. She went over to the door and leaned against it.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Eleven squeezed her eyes shut.
"No, I'm not. Nothing is!" sniffled El.
"What do you mean? Please let me in!" shouted Mike.

"No! I'm too dangerous," cried El, "I keep hurting you and everyone else. I landed Lucas, Max, and Joyce in the hospital! Who knows what else I'll be capable of in the future! If, I have one." She slid down the door.

"No El! I care about you too much to let you do this!" yelled Mike. He struggled to open the door, tears forming in his eyes.

"Stop! It's pointless! I'd rather end my own life then all of yours! If this monster wants to hurt you, it's going to have to go through me first. And the only way to kill it, is to kill it's territory." yelled El.

"Don't do this! I-I can't lose you again." sobbed Mike. He slid down the door as well.

"No Mike, I can't lose you. If I hurt you in any way, I don't know what I'd do. Please, I need to kill this monster. It's the best for everyone!" shouted El.

As she got up to grab the gun, she heard Mike sob uncontrollably.
"I love you so much, El. More than you could ever imagine. You're my world, don't forget that." hiccuped Mike. He heard the door unlock.

"I love you too, Mike. You mean the world to me. Tell everyone that I love them. And if you ever feel lonley or sad, look at the moon. I'll hear you." whispered El.

A gunshot rang the whole house. Mike covered his ears, tears rushing down his cheeks.

He opened the door and saw El layed down on the floor, gun in hand, bleeding from her head.

A black shadow escaped her mouth and faded away. He sunk down to the ground and sobbed into her chest.

They backed into Will's room, tears rolling down their face.

"They really miss her, huh?" sniffled Dustin.
"Yeah. We all do," said Will. The stood around until Mike broke the silence.

"I gotta go," mumbled Mike, "See you tomorrow." And with that, he ran out of his room.

"Wait, Mike." Hopper stopped him.
"Yes?" questioned Mike.

"Here," sighed Hopper, "Wanted you to have this." He handed him a picture if him and El, having fun at the park.

Mike smiled and traced the outlines of her face.
"Thank you. I love it." said Mike. Hopper ruffled his hair and lead him outside.

Mike put the picture in his backpack and pedaled away.
"Get home safe!" called Hopper.

they say i've gone mad, yeah i've gone mad

Mike pedaled on Hawkins streets. He received strange looks and rude comments. He shrugged them off and looked straight ahead.

but they don't know what i know

Mike dropped his bike outside and rushed inside. He stomped upstairs into his room. He threw his backpack onto his bed and opened up the window. The full moon glowed on his pale face.

cause when the sun comes down, someone's talking back

It shined the whole room, making him smile. He sat on the comfty ledge and looked at the sky.

at night when the stars light up my room, i sit by myself

"Hey El. It's Mike, again. It's been over a month since you've been gone and we all miss you so much." sighed Mike.

talking to the moon

"Hopper and Joyce are still the same. Nancy, Jonathan, and Steve are pretty shaken up about the whole thing. Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will are getting better. It's just, hard without you." whispered Mike.

trying to get to you

"I know you said to talk to you when I feel sad and lonley but that pretty much sums up everyday now." laughed Mike. He got up and grabbed the picture from his backpack.

in hopes you're on the other side, talking to me to

"If you're listening, I want you to know that I love you and...I miss you so much." sobbed Mike. Tears fell on the framed picture as he breathed heavily.

or am i a fool, who sits alone

Suddenly, the moon glowed brightly. He felt a presence next to him. He looked down at the picture and smiled.

talking to the moon

"See you tomorrow, El." He shut the window and closed the curtains. He quickly changed into his pajamas and hung the picture on top of his bed.

i know you're somewhere out there

He turned off the lights and layed in bed, thinking about what tomorrow will bring him. His eyes slowly fluttered close and he drifted off to sleep.

El kneeled down beside him.
"I love you too Mike." She kissed his forehead and faded away, leaving the room in peace.

somewhere far away

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