she wants me to find her (pt.3)

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Mike entered the dark, slimy abyss. The white specks floated around and maroon colored webs covered around the place.

Mike felt a hand reach for his leg. He stood shocked until he finally looked and saw Max's head pop up.

He helped her get up and one by one, everyone came. They stood in a line, examining the unknown territory.

"You guys ready?" said Steve, handing them flashlights. The kids nodded and they set off to find their lost friend.

It had been 30 minutes of walking by and all they've seen were many disturbing images that will haunt them forever.

"How long has it been?" whined Dustin.
"It's been like 30 minutes." said Mike, walking infront of everyone.

Max had have enough walking.
"This Eleven girl is not here guys! For all we know, she could be a rotting corpse by now!" snapped Max.

Everyone stopped at her words. It's like if everything stopped.

Mike slowly turned his head towards Max, eyes shot darkness to her blue ones. Max backed away as Mike charged at her.

Steve held back Mike as Lucas and Dustin created a barrier around her.

"Shut up! S-She's not dead!" yelled Mike, struggling against Steve's hands.
"She's not dead. We're going to find her!" soothed Steve.

Mike's face turned back to it's pale color and breathing slowed down. Max pushed past the boys and hugged Mike.

"I'm sorry," whispered Max, "I should've never said that, I'm sure she's fine."

Mike hugged her back and let go soon after. They continued on their journey.

Eleven walked on the dark sidewalk, her heels clicking each time she took a step. The streetlights shined on the girl's head which guided her through.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar place. She walked close to it and finally realized where she was.

Hawkins Lab.

The boys, and Max, continued walking. Their hopes for Eleven being in here were starting to die down.

"I-I don't think she's here." muttered Mike, holding his head down. The others sighed in disappointment.

As they started to walk back to the portal, they heard a tremendous growl.

They turned their heads to face a horrific creature, much more powerful than the Demogorgen. It's arms reached out to the kids, clawing at them.

   "T-The Thessylhydra..." said Dustin in shock.

Eleven cringed at the building. This is where she spent her horrible years in. All kinds of abuse and horrors lived here.

As she was walking away, she heard multiple screaming. She started to focus on it, a little stream of blood escaping her nose, and soon found out who it was.

Lucas, Dustin, and Mike.

She hurried around the lab, trying to find a way to get in. She finally found a door and went inside. The big halls brought back memories

   "Papa!" screamed Eleven. Two men carried her by the arms, hurting her whole body. She shook her head and struggled against their strength.

They lead her down a corridor and brought her to a small room.
   "No! NO!" yelled Eleven.

She tried everything she could, kicking her legs at the men, but it was no use.

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