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Five teenagers ran across the halls of Hawkins Lab, in search of their friend.

It had been a hell of a month for them, especially El. Many terrible things had occured to the girl, things that will traumatize her forever.

   "Where the hell could she be?" asked Dustin, following his friends.

   "She's on this floor," replied Will, "I can feel it."

   "Can you feel the pain in my legs from bending down for an hour?" questioned Max, her red hair blocking her view.

   "Can you just shut up for once?" snapped Mike, looking ahead.

Max squinted her eyes and then rolled them.

Suddenly, loud screaming took over the slience, roaming around the halls. It was a female voice, at she was in pain.

Mike felt his heart drop at the familar screaming.

It was one he heard once in a while but when he did, it meant she was in much pain.

   "Oh my god." muttered Mike.

His feet began to pick up his pace, running towards the direction of the screaming. He looked into every room until he found his destination.

There she was, strapped to a metal chair, sobbing loudly.

   "El!" yelled Mike. He rushed over and kneeled beside her, breathing heavily.

   "M-Mike," stuttered El, "Go."

Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Will entered after Mike, standing around her.

   "N-No! I'm not leaving you here!" argued Mike, attempting to free her.

Then, a pair of arms grabbed his harshly, pulling him back. He shot back against the man and struggled against his strength.

   "Let me go!" shouted Mike.

He looked beside him to see his friends be held by other guards, struggling as well.

   "Get your hands off me!" yelled Max, her hair waving around in the man's face.

El looked at her best friends hopelessly and began to yell at the guards holding them, along with them.

   "Leave them alone, you bastards!" shouted El, shaking in her chair.

   "Now who taught you that kind of language?" asked a quiet, steady voice.

El whipped her head towards the door and felt her breathing stop.

Everything stopped, it was only her and the familar man standing outside of the door.

   "That isn't appropriate for a little girl," continued the voice,"I'm surprised you can even speak big words now."

It was an old man, in his sixties, in a navy blue suit with grey hair.

He slowly stepped in and glanced at the now shocked teenagers.

   "And I see your friends remember me! What a delight." He looked back at them and stopped at Max.

   "You've made a new friend, Maxine Mayfield I believe."

He slowly walked over and stood infront of the red haired girl, who breathed heavily.

   "I've heard a lot about you. Very glad that Billy isn't harming you anymore." implied Brenner, reaching out to touch her cheek.

She closed her eyes and buried her face against the man's chest, whimpering at the cold touch.

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