live for me

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el held on to mike's arm tightly as they walked across the dark abyss as jonathan and steve walked behind, nancy and hopper guiding the way infront of them.

they were there to end the monster for good, to end all of the madness and pain.

there wasn't really any other options than for el to destroy it, but of course mike had to decline.

the door of the cabin slammed open, el running towards hopper's car.

   "get back in here!" called mike, rushing behind her.

the girl ignored him and curled her fingers around the door handle, soon being gently pulled away.

   "el, you are not going. you aren't going to go and destory that monster in that hell!" stated mike.

   "yes i am. and there's nothing you can do or say to stop me from killing that demon." groaned el.

mike rolled his eyes, "do you not understand the risks? what can happen!"

   "i don't care about what happens, i am keeping you safe from it. i will not let that thing hurt you-"

   "what about you, el!" snapped mike, his voice breaking slightly.

el's face softened, finally looking at the boy's glossy eyes. "what about me?"

   "y-you're the most important person in my life. if i lose you, if i let you go just to have you die..." he paused, letting a single tear rush down his cheek after closing his eyes. "no, i can't do that. i can't lose you again. i won't let you drown in your own fears."

   "y-you won't lose me, i just want you to be safe." sniffled el, wiping his tears.

   "promise?" asked mike.

el looked deeply into his eyes and sighed, "promise."

and here they were, on their way to find the shadow monster.

   "are we near the cabin?" asked mike, looking at her surroundings.

   "i think so." nodded hopper, standing close to the kids.

   "and you're sure the shadow monster will be here?" asked steve.

   "i'm sure. before the monster left will, it flew out of the cabin into the sky." assured nancy.

   "how do you know all of this?" questioned mike, gently rubbing el's hand to calm her down.

   "because she followed the shadow outside." said jonathan.

   "i think she can speak for herself, jonathan." butted in steve.

the crew rolled their eyes and prepared for what was about to happen, leaving jonathan to stop and turn towards him. "you know what steve, how about you stop being immature and saying unnecessary bullshit, actually be useful right now."

steve then stopped and walked towards him, "you're the one to talk mr. i'm never any help to this group!" the two continued to fight, nancy joining in on them as well.

   "that's enough! both of you should grow the hell up." intervened hopper.

mike heard a low growl come from far away, slowly making its way towards them.

he furrowed his eyebrows and turned towards el. "did you hear that?"

"hear what?" asked el, looking up at his confused face.

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