extraordinary love

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just beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
no one wants to be defeated

el giggled as she saw the teen beside her dance to the song.

showin' how funky and strong is your fight
it doesn't matter who's wrong or right
just beat it

the record player that stood on the desk was now quiet, the famous michael jackson song now coming to an end.

"and that, el, was what we call real music!" smiled steve, standing up to place the vinyl back in its case.

"that was, amazing. really amazing." grinned el, examining how he reorganized the desk.

"yeah, and there'll be many more great songs to come in the future." nodded steve.

el suddenly spotted a familar object beside his bed, the lense glistening in the sunlight.

"do you think jonathan would let me see his camera?" she asked, her eyes looking up at his.

"yeah, go ahead." he replied, now going over to sit down beside her.

she held the camera with caution, looking at the pictures on it.

there were mostly nancy and their family, a couple of the party as well. but she stopped at one particular picture, smiling widely.

steve took interest in her expression, "it's you and mike. on the fourth of july. do you remember that day?"

"how could i forget?" she admitted, making him grin. "i said they looked pretty and then he said that i looked prettier."

   "he loves you, el." he laughed, examining the picture of her and mike sharing a kiss under the fireworks.

el furrowed her eyebrows and turned to face him, "love?"

steve went still. surely joyce or nancy, hell, even max would have told her what love was. but as he turned to meet her confused face, the more he regretted saying anything.

   "what do you mean by t-that?" he asked nervously.

   "what is love? and what do you mean when you say that mike loves me?" she replied.

the nineteen year old thought about his answer. he wasn't even sure if he loved robin, all he knew that he was happy and glad to be with someone so amazing.

   "love is a feeling of deep affection towards something or someone." he simply stated.

el still seemed confused, "and what does that mean? do you love robin?"

steve quietly cursed under his breath, waiting for someone or something to save him from this conversation. anyone but him should be the one to tell her what love is.

suddenly the door opened, revealing jonathan. "hey guys, how's it-"

he was cut off by steve sighing in relief, going over to greet him. "my boy jonathan? how nice it is to see you!"

   "this is my room, you know. and what's with the sudden kind gesture?" he whispered.

   "our fantastic friend el, here, doesn't know what love is." he replied. jonathan gave him a look of uncertainty, then turning his attention to el. he went over and sat beside her, gesturing for steve to come over as well.

   "el, love is an amazing feeling that you feel towards others. someone or something you feel happy and safe with. they make you a better person, they cheer you up when you're feeling sad and make you laugh and smile." he explained.

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