the good side

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Mike sat uncomfortable on the couch, his leg nervously bounching up and down.

It had been almost a year since his "wife" had ran away from Hawkins and gone missing.

He remembered very clearly the fight they had the day she left.

How he prayed and begged to forget but it got worse everyday.

It was the worse decision he had ever made in his life.

The two adults stood anxiously on the altar, staring into each others eyes.

A crowd of family members examined from afar, sobbing silently. Dustin, Lucas, and Will stood beside Mike while Max, Holly, and Nancy stood beside El.

It was the day of their wedding, the day everyone had been waiting for since El had returned.

Even when she was drained and weak, she still managed to smile while Mike was there with her.

Everyone sensed their live grown since then, and now, today was the day.

Steve stood infront of the couple, happy that this day had finally came. They had decided for him to be the priest at their wedding since he was the only person they knew that was one for free, and because they loved him of course.

   "May we receive the rings, please?" said Steve.

A little girl with long, wavy hair stood up from the seats and went over to her father, placing the rings in his hand.

   "Hi mommy!" smiled the girl, waving at Nancy. She giggled and waved back at her daughter, glancing at Steve to direct her back to her seat.

   "Thanks love. Now go back with Grandma." whispered Steve.

The girl nodded and skipped back next to Karen, connecting her little hand with hers.

"Jane Hopper, do you take this man to be your partner in life. Through sickness and through health. For better or for worse. For as long as you both shall live?" grinned Steve, placing one of the rings on her hand.

El took a deep breath and smiled at the man she loved, sliding the gold ring on his finger.

   "I, Jane Hopper, take you Michael Wheeler, to be my partner in life. To be my love from this day forward. To be my constant friend, wherever and whenever. I offer you my solemn vow to be faithful in sickness and in health. In good times and bad, in joy aswell as sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, Michael Wheeler."

Mike blinked once, a tear trickling down his cheek, and gave her a small smile.

   "And do you, Michael Wheeler, take this woman to be your partner in life. Through sickness and through health. For better or for worse. For as long as you both shall live?" asked Steve once more, giving him the other ring.

Mike felt his palms sweat and shake nervously, connecting with hers.

"I-I, Michael Wheeler, take you Jane Hopper, to be my-" He felt his breathing increase higly as everyone stared at him in confusion.

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