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eleven sat in her warm, lonely house. it was 10pm, the night was continuing its cycle through her window.

her and mike had bought the house a month before their wedding, and yes they still lived in hawkins.

her life had been a rollercoaster of happiness and relief ever since she was thirteen.

she had lived the best life with mike and her family, she lived through wonderful moments she would remember forever.

her and mike's first date, the day he asked her to be his girlfriend, their one year anniversary, the day he engaged to her, the day of their wedding, the day they got their first house, the moment they found out el was pregnant, the day el had her baby twins, spending the rest of their lives as a beautiful couple.

it was now eighty two years later, her kids had grown up and moved away with their own families.

for her family, they had all passed away peacefully a few years back.

the only one she had was her brother, will. he was still alive and well, along with the rest of the party.

max and lucas ended up getting married not too long after mike and el's wedding, and they've been in a loving family with two boys ever since.

as for dustin and will, they had found themselves a partner to spend their lives with as well.

the party were still close, as they all still lived in hawkins, and checked up one each other everyday.

the night was unexpectedly beautiful. more vibrant than others, yet still peaceful.

el stood up and shut the window, pulling the curtains to shut the view.

she slowly made her way upstairs, admiring all of the pictures of her, mike, the party, and her family.

from every holiday, celebration, and just the little moments of her life. a picture was taken to remember them.

she entered her room and closed the door, quickly getting ready to go to bed.

el turned off the lights, leaving the room dim with only the sight of citylights outside.

she plopped down on her bed, looking around the room with a tired look.

at the corner of her eye, she saw a picture frame of her and michael.

it was them at the snowball, the night of almost 80 years ago. god, they were so young and so in love.

she slowly brought her hand and shakily grabbed the picture, rubbing her thumb across mike's face.

   "hello michael. it's day 365. december 23, 2063. a whole year since you've left." el's soft voice rang throughout the hollow space.

   "today's been...different then others. same routine though. the party came over today, to celebrate your life. i have to say it isn't the same without you here, as expected. riley and ben also came, with our grandchildren. and their own children. god, we're getting so old!" el quietly laughed.

she looked down at the picture again, "i miss you. well, we all do. lucas, dustin, and will always talk about you. those old idiots, never stop talking. max and i always try to calm them down but they're just too attached to you, but i understand."

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