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Mike angrily banged on the steel door. He was beyond angry right now, in need to strangle someone.
"Open the door!" yelled Mike.

A few stomping footsteps was heard from inside. The multiple locks on the door clicked, each moving closer to the reveal.

An annoyed man slammed it open and shook his head.
"Listen kid," sighed Hopper.

Mike ignored him and walked in. He examined the small room, noticing a crying Joyce and the closed windows.

"Where is she?" questioned Mike.

"I told you a million times, she's not here!" shouted Hopper, pacing back and forth.

"That's bullshit!" argued Mike, searching around, "She called me and said she was!"

"And what if she's lying?" asked Joyce, wiping her tears.

"Because Mrs. Byers," said Mike, not looking up, "Friends don't lie."

Hopper walked towards the boy, obviously frustrated, and turned him over.

"Well she just did cause she isn't here! Now can you go home!" yelled Hopper, ushering him outside.

Suddenly, a scream arose from the other side of the wall.
"NO! STOP IT!" screamed a voice.

The window roared with a red-orange tint, glowing the dull room.

"El? Eleven!" yelled Mike. He pushed through the adults and pushed up the curtain.

Eleven was strapped to a bed, sweaty and afraid. She struggled to get free while screaming in pain.

Multiple doctors stood beside her, attempting to calm her down.

"Mike!" shouted El. She tried to speak but instead screamed in agony again.

A doctor drew flames at a slimy creature inside a large tank.

"Turn it up!" instructed one of the doctors. He did as told and more flames erupted. El breathed heavily as pain grew inside of her.

"NO! LEAVE HER ALONE!" cried Mike. He banged on the window as Hopper tried to hold him back.

Eleven's eyes went wide and a small stream of blood escaped her nose. The straps began to untie themselves.

She stood up and ran at the door.
"El!" yelled Joyce.

"Eleven!" yelled a doctor. He went over to her and held her back tightly.

"Let her go!" shouted Mike.

El struggled against his strength. An idea suddenly popped in her head. She tilted her head down and focused.

All of the doctors fell to the floor unconscious. The fire died down and the slug layed peacefully in the tank.

El trudged towards the door and picked the lock. She turned the doorknob to left, opening the door.

"Mike," breathed El. She fell into his arms and hugged him tightly.

He wrapped his arms around her sweaty waist and held her close.
   "You're okay, you're safe." soothed Mike.
Tears fell down her wet face as she buried it in his chest.

Joyce and Hopper looked in shock.
   "Look at them." smiled Joyce, "They love each other, Hop."

   "Um, let's not forget the fact that they literally only knew each other for a week!" whispered Hopper.

   "Yes, and look at them. He called her for 353 days hoping that in one of those days he would get a reply that she was out there and you know what? He suffered a whole year without her, hoping that she wasn't dead only to find out that you were keeping her away! Give them a break." argued Joyce.

He looked back at the smiling kids and sighed.
   "I guess your right," admitted Hopper, "But what are we going to do about that!" He pointed at the unconscious doctors.

   "We know that the she's somehow connected to the Upside Down physically," stated Joyce, "Damn doctors won't give her a break. Come one, let's take her home."

She kneeled beside the two kids and smiled.
"Time to go home." grinned Joyce. Eleven looked up at her mother, excitedly.
"I can go home?" questioned El.

"No more experiments." nodded Joyce. El wrapped her arms around her neck.
"Thank you so much!" smiled El.
"Hey, we all need a break." informed Joyce.

They stood up and walked out of the room. Joyce lead her inside the bathroom to change out of the gown.

"Honey," said Joyce, "I see you're very fond of Mike." El smiled and nodded.

She jumped into her outfit and layed out her shoes.
"Yeah, he's...amazing!" grinned El, "Can you help me tie my laces?"

Joyce leaned forwards from the sink and began tieing.
"Does he make you feel good?"

El nodded.
"Whenever I look at him, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Especially when he smiles! And, I just want him to be safe and happy. I love him so much." smiled El.

Joyce awed and stood up.
"That's good to hear! I'm sure he loves you too." said Joyce, "Come on, let's go."

"Hey kid," said Hopper, breaking the silence between the two, "I'm sorry for lying to you about that. It's just, this had to be done. Joyce didn't want to do it. I, sure as hell, didn't want to do it and if you knew about this you would definitely try to stop it."

"I know, I'm sorry for blowing up at you." sighed Mike.

Hopper laughed and ruffled his hair.
"I guess we're even." said Hopper.

They stood beside each other in silence once more, until...

"You seem to like my daughter a lot." he said.

"Yeah, she's incredible." said Mike. Hopper nodded and took a deep breath.

"How does she make you feel?" he asked.

Mike shut his eyes and leaned against the wall.
"I care about her very much. She makes me feel like the happiest person on earth. Everything about her is breathtaking. I-really love her." smiled Mike.

Hopper looked in shock and happiness. He had never been fond of their relationship but now he was realizing that they were in fact in love.

"That's nice," sighed Hopper, "How about you stay with El for a while, keep her happy." Mike looked up and smiled.
"Really? Thanks!" gasped Mike.

Joyce and El came out of the room and they all started down the hallway.

Mike went over to El and wrapped an arm around her waist as she wrapped her arm around his shoulder.

They walked out of the lab in peace and relief. She was finally free.

thank you for 16k reads guys! ily

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