hurts like hell

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The Byers household obtained many people, including the party, the trio, the adults, and now El.

They had all agreed on a plan to destroy the shadow monster and close the gate, having Joyce, Nancy, and Jonathan take Will to the cabin to get the monster out of him, Hopper and El going to Hawkins Lab to close the gate while the others stayed behind.

But of course, Mike just couldn't leave her again. Not after everything they've been through.

   "You're acting ridiculous." El folded her arms across her chest, walking out of the open door that lead to the front porch.

   "Oh? I'm being ridiculous?" Mike laughed sarcastically, following behind and gesturing to El.

   "You could get hurt Mike. Or worse!" she shouted. "You're staying here with the others."

   "What about you? What about you, El?" His voice cracked slightly. "I can't lose you again. You know that!"

   "And if I lose you?" She said, quieter now, but her words made him stop. "If I let you come with me and something happens...." She shook her head. "No. I can't risk it."

   "Don't treat me like I'm weak." Mike's face scrunched up in anger. "Like, like I could break. That I'm useless and can't do anything."

El took a step towards him, reaching her hand to touch his face but he pulled away.

She knew he could be insecure about not being able to help, it was something she picked up, but why couldn't he see she was just trying to keep him safe. "Mike, you know that's not true!"

   "Is it?" His voice was like ice.

   "I'm just trying to protect you." whispered El, feeling more nervous by the second.

   "I'm not asking you to protect me, I'm asking to come with you!" His voice rose a bit higher, scaring the girl.

He knew it was dangerous, but he couldn't let himself watch her leave again.

There had been many times he had no power and let her escape his reach, the pain of never knowing if she would return to him.

   "I can't let you!" El was beginning to cry now. She hated when he raised his voice at her, but now she was beginning to hate it more when she raised her voice at him.

   "I'm not asking for your permission. We're in this together. I can't watch you leave. Not again." his voice was soft again.

This time he was the one to reach out, not being able to resist her touch for long, and gently wipe a tear from her cheek with his thumb.

She automatically leaned in to his touch, instantly melting. But she remembered what they were fighting about and looked up. "No." Her eyes met with his. "Please, Mike. It's not safe."

His dark eyes stared back into hers and gripped onto her arms, sighing in defeat.

   "J-Just be careful, alright? I can't lose you again." His voice was barely audible.

   "You won't lose me." she said, shaking her head.

   "Promise?" he cried, tears forming in his dark eyes.

It broke her heart, seeing him hurt but it's just the way it had to be. She could not lose him again. Not now, not ever.

   "Promise." she replied, sensing there was something more he wanted to say. Her head began to lean in closely to his, her eyes slowly fluttering close.

   "El." shouted Hopper, making the two turn their heads towards him. "It's time." She closed her eyes for a long second and faced the boy again, staring helplessly into his eyes.

   "Okay." he mumbled, barely audible. She began to walk towards the car but heard his small shout from behind.

As much as she didn't want to turn around, she did and found him rushing towards her.

He pulled her into his arms tightly and buried his head into her shoulder, sobbing silently. El wrapped her arms around his neck and shut her eyes, tears trickling down her cheeks.

She felt his body lean away from hers, seeing that Steve was pulling him away slowly.

Their hands conjoined for a couple seconds and then separated, the tall teen giving her a reassuring smile and wrapping his arm around the boy's shoulder.

She let out a deep breath and went over to the police car, opening the door and hopping inside.

The door slammed shut and all she could see from outside the window was Nancy get into the other car along with Jonathan. It began to speed down the pathway, soon feeling the car follow the car.

She turned her head towards the back window and stared back at her friends, eyes watering as she saw him stand there weakly.

His eyes filled with tears as he watched the girl he loves leave from his reach again, not knowing whether she's come back alive or not.

this was vry short and bad, i apologize:)

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