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a dream.

mike shot up from his bed, tears sprawled down his cheeks. sweat dripped down his face as he looked at his surroundings.

he was in his bedroom, the bright sunlight hitting his face. then it hit him. it was nancy's 18th birthday party, everyone had come to the wheeler's household to celebrate.

mike held his head in his hands, tears managing to fall as he closed his eyes.

calm down. it was only a dream, he reminded himself.

"mike, it's time to open-" nancy opened the door, her face dropping as she saw her little brother crying.

"hey, hey, hey. what's wrong?" she asked, going over to sit by him.

mike shook his head quickly as he realized that nancy was now there. "n-nothing! let's go downstairs."

he stood up and went to open the door until he heard his sister call him back in a more serious tone.

"sit. back. down." stated nancy, her eyes following mike as he huffed and sat back down beside her.

"now, tell me what's going on." she said.
"i don't want to talk about it." replied mike, making her roll her eyes.

"i'm your sister, mike. no matter what you're going through, i promised i will help you. so please just tell me, i don't want my little brother sad on my birthday."

mike looked into his sister's doe brown eyes and sighed in defeat. "i-i had a nightmare."

nancy's eyes widened. he hadn't had a nightmare ever since the disappearance of el. it hurt her to look back at those moments.

where her younger brother would suffer from trauma and there she would be, with no power to stop it.

all she could do was tell him everything was alright. how she wished she could've fixed the nights he came crying into her room.

how he would sob endlessly as he drifted off to sleep, waking up the next day only to relive those nights again.

el had destroyed mike in those 353 days, yet somehow lifted him back up once she came back home.

   "what was it about?" she asked.

mike looked down at his hands, holding back tears. "hawkins wasn't the same anymore. the shadow monster escaped and opened the gate again. he took over el and will. then they began to drain each other...and-"

"and what?" questioned nancy, noticing his glossy eyes.

"she lost...she left me. el sacrificed herself to let will live." tears now made their way down his cheeks.

   "come here." she brought him into an embrace, feeling his arms wrap around her waist. he silently cried as she stroked down his hair, letting out a sad sigh.

"i-i can't lose her. not now or ever. i can't let her suffer, i don't want any harm in her way anymore. she's dealt with so much already...i love her way too much to see her like that."

both of their eyes widened as they heard mike's words. "i-i mean-"

"you love her!" squealed nancy, a wide smile appearing on her face. "it's about time."

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