dream clouds

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"have we forgotten what we want?
haven't we lost enough already?
have we forgotten where we came from?
have i lost sight of everything i worked for?"

jane stared at the flannel in her hands as she sat on the unfamiliar bed, too many thoughts roaming around her head.

it had been hard for her throughout these past days. so much had happened. it was overwhelming.

and all she could say right now was that she terribly missed hawkins.

only just a few days ago, her mornings consisted of golden sunshine and the scent of eggos with maple syrup.

the happy yet frustrating days she spent with hopper were now replaced with a week of violence, confusion, and misery.

this wasn't what she wanted. it isn't even close to it. maybe she had convinced herself that this was what she needed, but it's all wrong.

this place...is far from home.

she brought up the flannel before placing it on her chest, shutting her eyes close as she searched through her memories.

and for just a moment, she felt like she could breathe again as the sweet moments came rushing back to her.

mike kneeled infront of the girl inside the small fort he had made in his basement. it had already been a strange night for him and his friends, and leaving her out in the stormy woods was the complete opposite of what he wanted.

   "maybe we can call you el, short for eleven?" pitched in the small boy, looking into her big brown eyes.

el nodded quickly, slowly starting to understand and feel a bit of comfort with the boy.


   "yeah, you better run!" yelled dustin, glaring at the two boys who ran away from them. "she's our friend and she's crazy!"


the raven haired boy knelt down beside eleven as he assured and comforted her. "no el, you're not the monster. you saved me, do you understand? you saved me."


"c-compromise?" asked el, testing out the unfamiliar word.

"it's something that's kind of in between. like halfway happy." explained hopper.


"once we fix it up it's gonna be nice, real nice." smiled hopper, letting her examine the old cabin as the music played.


"this is your new home."

jane opened her eyes, instantly noticing and taking in the familar black abyss.

but more importantly, what was playing out infront of her. she took a few steps forward towards the frustrated man, who subtly paced beside the odd machine, and stopped as he stepped close to it.

   "that's where i was. it's a damn graveyard." he grunted, pointing at the beeping map as she looked at him worriedly.

   "i need to get through!" jane knew that voice, she admired it. but this time, it made her sick just by hearing the distraught in his voice.


she immediately turned around and saw him. she saw him run and stop forcefully.

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