wake up

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jane hopper was a brave girl, possibly the most.

she never let anyone get to her, never caring what anyone thought about her.

she had been taught that others mean opinions don't matter and that's she's fine just the way she is.

she never really cared about her appearance matter of fact, or what the kids at school had to say about her.

everything bad in the past didn't matter anymore, she now had a loving family and wonderful friends.

and she would do whatever it takes to keep them safe and happy.

but recently, it had been different.

she sat in class, gazing ahead of her. all she had been thinking about was every single thing wrong about her.

so much hidden behind her protective wall. she had tried so hard to cover up her past, waiting for a better future but it was no use. she was-

   "jane?" called the teacher.

el's head shot up, laying her attention on the teacher. "y-yes?" the boy next to her looked at her with worry.

   "could you tell us the answer to number fifteen?" he asked, looking at her with a soft expression.

the girl looked down at her desk to see nothing but her pencil case. "uh...yes! let me just grab my book. a-and get on the right page!"

she turned around and rummaged through her backpack that hanged around her chair.

suddenly it slipped and fell on the ground, spilling all of her books and papers.

   "el..." mumbled mike, getting out of his chair.

she ignored him and the laughter coming from the rest of the class. everything was now piling up on her.

   "el!" she looked up to see mike hovering over her.

her vision now saw a disappointed, angry mike instead of a worried one. it was getting to her.

she hurriedly stood up, pushing mike out of the way, and ran out of the classroom. she ran down the hallway towards the exit, slamming them open and rushing down the steps.

tears spilled down her cheeks as she began to think.

she had been getting awful thoughts, ones she had been assured disappeared.

but hopper and joyce were wrong. they had lied to her.

just how hopper had made a deal with brenner, exposing her location so long ago in order to find will. and how he had never told joyce. he caused her 353 days of pain.

or how lucas thought she was a freak, a nobody. one of the people that she loves the most hated her, for not understanding or telling him where will was.

and there was brenner, who never cared about her.

the man who brought her into this world didn't even bother to have an ounce of love for her. she was just seen as an experiment to him, a way to get money and power.

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