what is love?

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love is an odd, perfect sensation

the feeling when you look at that special person

the way the butterflies begin to roam around your stomach

the moment your heart melts when you look into their magnificent eyes

those are some of the many things i feel when i'm with you

you taught me what love is

you have changed my life in the greatest way possible

all of the love you have given me these past ten years is just beyond thankful

we've made each other laugh, smile, cry, happy, and so much more

all of those emotions gather to create our ups and downs

those moments we've shared all have a special place in my heart, good or bad

they're the reason i'm alive, you're the reason i'm standing here, declaring my love for you

if your nerdy, twelve year old self hadn't found me that night, i would definitely be dead

that lab, the manipulation and abuse, it would have killed me

but i'm here, next to you

you're a beautiful soul who deserves the world

a handsome man that makes my life worth living

an amazing person who i adore and care for

i am deeply in love with you

i promise to always love and protect you with all my heart, through sickness and health, for as long as we both shall live

you are my savior, love, and home michael wheeler, don't ever forget that

Eleven looked up from the small paper in her hands at the tall boy infront of her.

His eyes showed tears and love, something she had seen from him many times before.

She rubbed her finger against his cheek and wiped the rolling tears, staring into his dark brown eyes.

   "I-I love you so much, El. More than you could imagine." sniffled Mike, curling his fingers around her arm.

   "I love you too, sweetheart." smiled El, wrapping her arms around his waist.

The crowd filled with awes and sniffles. The moment they had been waiting for had finally come and it was a beautiful sight.

The soon-to-be-married couple leaned out, hands connected, and took a deep breath.

   "Very heartwarming," said the preist, "Now Michael, do you take this woman to be your wife, for better or for worse, through sickness and through health, for as long as you both shall live?"

Mike glanced at his friend and family and back at El.

   "I do." grinned Mike, squeezing her hand gently.

   "And do you Jane, take this man to be your husband, for better or for worse, through sickness and through health, for as long as you both shall live?" asked the preist.

   "I do." stated El.

   "Then by the power vested in me, I now declare, Jane and Michael Wheeler, husband and wife," stated the priest, "You may now kiss the bride."

Mike wrapped his arms around her waist tightly and placed his lips on hers. The others cheered for the two.

   "Mr and Mrs Wheeler everyone!" shouted Dustin, pointing at Mike and El.

   "I hope I have a wedding this beautiful!" yelled Lucas, nudging Will.

   "You will since you have the perfect bride." replied Max.

   "So who's the bride?" asked Nancy sarcastically, carrying her two year old daughter.

   "Very funny, Nancy. And it's me," laughed Max, "These two are growing up so fast. It's like their still sneaking kisses when we aren't looking or holding hands below the dining table."

   "They still do that." laughed Will.

   "And they're still kissing." stated Lucas, gesturing towards the couple.

Their lips were still locked, arms around each other.

Suddenly, Hopper and Joyce rushed up to the two and separated them, a stern look on their faces.

   "Just because your officially married now doesn't mean you can mingle with her like that infront of me, Wheeler." stated Hopper.

Mike layed a hand on his shoulder and sighed, surprising them.

"Guys, we're not little kids anymore. We've had you both on our back for eight years. Please, let us live the full, happy life I know you want us to live." stated Mike.

Hopper and Joyce looked at their daughter and at Mike.

They have had a special connection for the longest time. Even after being separated for almost a whole year, they seemed to reconnect in just one day.

Their love for each grew each day, building up to today. Now, it was time to finally accept their decisions and let them live that life they both want and need.

"I love her with every ounce in my body. I will keep her safe and happy even if it means I have to do something crazy. And I have, believe me," said Mike, holding El's hand, "Just know that I will never stop loving her for as long as I live. I promise."

Joyce and Hopper looked at each other and smiled.

"I know it's just you two are growing up so fast and we all knew this day would come but now that it has...it's like we're letting go of another child." sighed Joyce in defeat.

"Hey, you won't lose me. We're all still going to be together. No one's going anywhere," said El, "And I'll always be your daughter and you'll always be my father and mother. My true parents."

She pulled the adults into a big hug, holding them tightly. They wrapped their arms around each other and smiled.

Hopper looked up and gestured Mike to join. He slowly walked over and filled the empty space.

The four shared a powerful hug, one they would never forget.

"Alright then, let's go get the part ready." sniffled Joyce, leading Hopper outside along with the others.

"We love you guys!" shouted Steve and Jonathan, laughing like maniacs.

Mike shook his head and looked back at El. Tears rolled down her cheeks, glimmering in the light.

"What's wrong?" asked Mike, wiping her tears.

"I'm just so grateful and happy that you're in my life. All of those amazing people, made me who I am," sniffled El, "I love you Mike, since I layed eyes on you."

Mike smiled and cupped her face.

"I love you too. No matter what comes our way, I will always love you." stated Mike.

He connected his lips with hers and brought his hands down to her waist.

El smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

"We-have-to-go-now-Mike." said El in between kisses.

"Fine, let's go Mrs. Wheeler." grinned Mike, picking her up bridal style.

"You're an idiot, Mr. Wheeler. And I love that." She layed her head on his chest and smiled.

The two ran out of the chapel, ready to begin this new chapter in their lives.

i really love mileven with a passion

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