times like these

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Dear Jane Hopper,

It's been a year and nine months since you have returned.

Almost two years of seeing your beautiful face. Where I long to only gaze into your hazel eyes. (Didn't know I was a poet either, El!)

The past years have been the best of my entire life, spending time with my family and friends. But I really do treasure the time spent with you, whether it's something small or big.

You're my best friend, my girlfriend, my first and only love.

The love of my life.

And now that you're about to start school, the rest and I have been noticing how nervous and anxious you are.

I know what you're worried about. So here are just a few reminders to keep-

1. You're the most smart girl I know. I'm so so proud and shocked on how much you've learned and understood in the matter of a year.

The past doesn't matter, El. What matters is how you define yourself and your standards. And I want you to know that you're not dumb.

You're spectacular.

2. You're the most gorgeous girl I have ever layed my eyes on.

From the moment we first met, it's always been you, and will always be you.

No one else in school or anywhere in general will ever top you, not even close. I love everything about you.

And you will always be mine.

3. Don't be afraid to embrace yourself. You are a brave, sweet girl who will definitely be loved by everyone in the school.

The party and I will be by your side throughout the way. And if things do get rough, we'll pick you back up.

4. Making mistakes is okay. It teaches us alot and gets us through life.

Our lives are far from perfect. But if we stick together and try our best, it'll be okay.

And you don't have to know every answer to any question, nor have perfect grades.

Because no matter how you're doing in school, I'll love you. No matter what happens, I'll love you.

Everything, and i mean everything, about you is truly amazing.

And all i need you to understand is everything written on this piece of paper. Where i have scattered little bits of love for you.

We can't see the finish line, not for a long time. And i know you're scared half to death, your body's aching.

But I also know you're gonna fight like a soldier coming home. The future's so bright, and this is our time.

This is our time to shine, together.

Michael Wheeler

el sat on her soft bed in her room, reading his name as tears formed in her eyes.

everyone was now settled in the hopper's household, the clock reading 9:48pm.

mike had given the letter to el as he dropped her off from their date earlier.

"read it if you ever feel nervous or scared about school, i hope it helps."

and el was scared. she was terrified. everything was worrying her.

whether she was smart enough or that she was ugly compared to the other beautiful girls at school. it all stressed her out badly.

but she would remember this letter and the soft words that came out of mike's mouth, the ones she heard the day she was aloud to roam around hawkins in peace and would always keep with her.

"you can finally breathe. you're finally free, el."

"goodnight el-" the door opened to reveal will dressed in his pajamas.

his calm expression quickly turned to a worried one as he saw his sister crying.

"el!" he said, rushing to her side and wrapping his arms around her. "what's wrong?"

el let out a small laugh and smiled, embracing her brother. "nothing is. i was just reading mike's letter."

"his letter?" he asked. el pointed at the letter beside them, watching as he picked it up and read it.

"oh michael, that boy really loves you." chuckled will.

"you think so?" questioned el sarcastically.

will shook his head and placed the letter on her bedstand, hugging his sister one last time before standing up. "goodnight now, el. don't dream too much of mike!"

el stuck her middle finger up at him as he did the same, turning off the light and exiting out of the room.

she got under the sheets of her bed and drifted off to sleep, thinking about the one and only mike wheeler.

this is really short and bad, my apologies:)

also, im kinda gonna die cuz i still have school while you all probably don't:(

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