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el looked at her appearance in the mirror. she wore a white, ruffled dress with black dots speckled along. there was dark purple flower in the middle, topped off with pink heels. her hair was up in a neat bun, little makeup applied on her face.

for once, she actually thought she looked pretty but that wasn't the case. what would mike think?

"i think you look absolutely gorgeous." said a familar voice.

el turned around to see mike with a big smile on his face, leaning against the door.

the two shared a bond like no one else had. el was mike's best friend and mike was hers, sometimes even being able to know what the other is thinking just by looking at each other expressions. they looked out for each other and were clearly inseparable.

she felt a blush creep her cheeks and turned back to the mirror, "you think so?"

the boy began walking towards her, standing behind her as he layed his hands on her shoulders.

   "el, i know so. you're the most beautiful person i've ever layed eyes on." stated mike.

she turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, connecting her lips with his.

the feeling the two got when they kissed was something they had treasured and felt since their first.

she slowly leaned out and gazed up at his brown eyes, beginning to notice his dashing suit and how his hair was different.

"you look very handsome as well. and you kept your natural curly hair!" exclaimed el.

mike grinned at how enthusiastic she was about it, she loved his natural hair and how she could run her fingers through it whenever he decided to keep it like that.

"yeah, i knew how much you liked it that way and since this a fancy occasion, i decided to try it out!" explained mike.

"well i absolutely adore it. and i know everyone else will to." she said.

suddenly, multiple footsteps arose from outside the room.

   "el? mike? we've been waiting for like ten minutes! what the-" max stopped at the door, sending the boys tumbling down as they came to an abrupt stop.

el looked at her best friend i awe, she wore a long black dress with her hair put up neatly in a ponytail.

   "you look stunning!" exclaimed max, not even bothering to ask the boys if they were okay as she rushed over to her best friend.

   "me? you look fabulous! and i see you're matching with lucas." grinned el, looking at the huddle of boys now stepping in the room.

   "yup, and we look good!" stated lucas, going over to his girlfriend and wrapping his arms around her waist.

max shook her head and drapped her arms around his shoulders, connecting her lips with his.

   "i swear, if i see another couple do any more lovey dovey shit like that i'm going to throw up." groaned dustin. will looked at mike and el and grabbed a small trash can from behind, handing it to the curly haired boy. "here, you're gonna need this." mike rolled his eyes and snatched the trash can from his hands, placing it back where it belonged. "will you all ever grow up?"

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