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Mike waited outside on the lonley porch. Everyone was inside, preparing a big meal for Thanksgiving.

A blue truck pulled up in the driveway, making a little screeching noise.

The door opened to reveal El. She stepped out and closed the door, making her way towards Mike.

   "Hey El!" said Mike, wrapping his arms around her waist.
   "Hi Mike!" exclaimed El. She hugged him tightly, concerning Mike.
   "I'm guessing this week wasn't any better?" asked Mike.

Suddenly, a huge slam arose from the truck. Hopper walked up the pathway to the porch.

   "Hello Michael." mumbled Hopper, pushing the kids out of his way. He opened the front door and slammed it close, startling everyone.

   "He hates me, everyone does!" sighed El.
   "He wasn't home the entire week. I'm guessing he was with Joyce, comforting her." said El.

   "What you did was an accident. Maybe they don't understand that but I promise you, they will." said Mike.

   "I don't know, everytime I see them, they all give me these looks. It scares me." frowned El.
   "I'll be right there with you. Don't worry." soothed Mike.

   "Dinners ready, Mike!" yelled Karen.
   "Now come on." he grabbed El's hand and lead her inside.

The house roamed with delicious scents. Everyone sat at the table, laughing and smiling.

   "Hey guys!" smiled Mike. They turned around and greeted him.

He moved over, revealing El. All of the smiling and laughter died down. Frowns and glares took over.

   "Can we eat now?" asked Mike, sitting down. He gestured El to sit next to him. She slowly sat on the chair, receiving strange looks.

   "First, we need to say one thing we're thankful for," said Karen, "I'll go first, I'm thankful for my wonderful family."

   "I'm thankful for my suporting family. Thank you for helping me through this hard time." sniffled Joyce, glancing at El.

She looked down uncomfortably, grabbing Mike's hand. He squeezed it gently.

   "Uh-I'm thankful for food." smiled Dustin. The kids erupted with laughter.
   "Fatass!" giggled Max.

They went all round the table, making a stop with Mike and El.

   "I'm thankful," started Mike, "For El. I'm so lucky to have her in my life and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

They all stared at him in shock.

   "What a surprise!" mumbled Max.
   "Not too loud, she might kill you next." giggled Dustin.
   "Why is she even here, no one likes her!" whispered Lucas.

Whispering took over the table, but it was loud enough for the two to hear.

   "Well, I'm clearly not wanted. I'll just go. " said El, running out of the house.
   "Wait El!" shouted Mike.

He stood up and looked at the people in front of him. Everything was about to be spilled.

   "Are you kidding me? What the hell is wrong with you guys?" questioned Mike.

   "Us? She's the problem!" yelled Max, standing up.
   "No Maxine, sit your ass back down!" shouted Mike. She looked around and slowly sat down, embarrassed.

   "Language!" said Ted.
   "Why are you even here dad? You are no help at all!" stated Mike.

   "You idiots don't understand what she's been through, do you? She went her whole life stuck in that lab, being abused everyday. They used her, making her think she was only an experiment! How would that make you feel? No kid should ever go through that, but she did. She had her life taken away, her home, her family, everything. She deserves all of the care and happiness in the world. You guys are lucky to have food, water, a roof over your head, people who care about you!" yelled Mike.

Silence took over the table.
   "Yes, she killed Will. But it was either him or all of us! Do you know how hard it was for her to choose? Her brother who she loved and cared for with all her heart. The only one who understood her. But she picked all of you. And you don't even deserve it! I miss Will just like all of you but you can't take out everything on her! Especially you guys!"

He gestured to Joyce and Hopper.
   "You're acting like little babies in this situation! Saying she's "a screw up" is just disrespectful and disappointing. You guys should be the ones telling her everything is okay but no! Instead, her parents are making fun of her and leaving her alone. Through this week, she's come to my house at 12:00am sobbing, wondering where you were! No child should feel like she does right now!" lectured Mike.

   "And you guys," gesturing towards the kids, "No one wants to hear your big mouth complain about El being "a pain in the ass" or missing Will! We all do, not just you. So stop acting like the whole world is against you!"

"All of you need to stop acting like jerks and appreciate that you all are here, healthy and alive! Because if it weren't for her, we all would be dead!"

And with that, Mike stormed out of the house, leaving everyone shocked.

He ran outside onto the grass, searching for El.
   "El! Where are you?" shouted Mike. Sniffling arose from the corner.

He turned around to see El curled up near the garage, sobbing uncontrollably. Mike rushed to her side and wrapped his arms around her.

   "El, I'm so sorry." sighed Mike. El looked up and furrowed her eyebrows.
   "W-What are y-ou sorry about?" stuttered El.

   "I'm sorry about their idiotic, childish actions. None of this is your fault, no matter what they say, it's not your fault." stated Mike.

El looked at his brown eyes. They were filled with love and care. Something she had always seen in his. Something she needed.

She burried her head in his chest, admiring his warmth.
   "You're the only one that cares about me. Without you, I would be lost right about now. Thank you." sniffled El.

Mike tightened his grip and frowned.
   "I'll never leave your side, I love you." He pecked a kiss on her forehead and layed his head on her shoulder.

   "Mind if we tag along?" said Joyce, tears rushing down her cheeks.

Mike whipper his head around, staring at the group of people outside.

He sighed and gestured them to come. They all huddled around the two, wrapping their arms around them.

   "El," said Mike, "Look up." She did as told and saw her family around.

   "Sweetie, we are so sorry for everything. We should have never blamed you for what happened. Will wouldn't want us fighting, he would want us all together, all happy." cried Joyce.

   "Yeah if anything, you should be the mad one. We had no right to treat you like we did." Max wrapped her arms around El's shoulders, Lucas and Dustin joining too.

Tears rushed down El's cheeks as they all apologized to her.
   "It's okay," sighed El, "I forgive you guys."

   "Now that all is well, can we go eat?" questioned Mike. They all nodded and rushed inside.

El stood up, helping Mike up, and linked her elbow with his.

   "I love you too, Mike." She went on her tippy toes and planted a long, soft kiss on his lips. His cheeks tinted pink, making El laugh.

   "Let's go inside, it's freezing out here!" They ran inside and shut the door behind them, trapping the cold brezze outside.

happy thanksgiving 🦃

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