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El sat on the comfty couch across from Mike in the basement, avoiding eye contact.

During lunch, Mike was talking with the new girl, Madison, and El did not aprove.

Her body filled with anger everytime she would hug or playfully punch him.

It was two minutes until lunch ended and Madison got a little too close to Mike. El, thinking she was going to kiss him, sent her flying across the room.

Mike pulled her out of the room and they rushed to his house, leaving the poor girl confused and with a concussion.

The boy had been a little distant from El. He was always leaving her behind and ignoring her. It was almost like she was invisible.

   "Mike I'm so sor-"

   "Sorry? Sorry isn't good enough El! Your selfishness could've killed her!" screamed Mike. El stood up and slowly walked towards him.

   "Mike, I'm sorry. I didn't want my boyfriend kissing another girl!" yelled El. Mike glared at the girl.

   "Are you kidding me? I could've just pushed her off, not send her flying! I would never let another girl do that, you know you're the only one I love!" yelled Mike.

Guilt ran over El, making her wrap her arms around his neck.

   "I'm sorry." she whispered.

   "Get off!" yelled Mike, pushing her hard.

El fell backwards, her head hitting the edge of a table and the lamp falling on her.

Mike winced and stood shocked, hearing the glass shatter loudly.

El layed there shocked as well, a feeling of sadness and pain washing over her. The person who she thought loved her, hurt her.

She stood up and looked down at her bloody hands and clothes from the shattered glass.

   "Oh my god El, are you alright-" Mike went to her side hurriedly.

She shook her head and pushed him away, rushing up the stairs into Mike's room. As soon as the door closed, she slid down and cried into her hands.

Mike had hurt her, over her own actions. He didn't love her anymore.

El stood up with tears rushing down her cheeks, grabbing a piece of paper and writing down on it.

After five minutes, she grabbed her coat and went out the window.

Mike ran up to his bedroom door. "Eleven? Please open up."

Silence. He knocked on the door gently.

   "El? Are you okay!" Still silence. A bit too much silence.

   Mike rushed downstairs and grabbed the extra key to the room. He gabbed the key in the hole and opened the door to reveal his empty room.

He examined the room and saw a paper on her beaten up desk. He picked it up and began to read it.

Dear Mike,
   I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for hurting Madison. I'm sorry for not understanding. I'm sorry for messing up your life. I can't do this anymore. Without you being there for me, what else is there to live for? All of the bullying and teasing, it's too much for me. I hope you can live a happy, full life without me. Please, don't try to change my mind if you find me. It's too late. I will always love you. Even if you ignore me or if you don't love me, you saved me. You made me feel at home. You're my world Mike. I hope you find a better girl than me. Goodbye my love.

Mike looked up from the note with watery eyes. His heart hurts more and more every second.

He didn't mean to push her, or ignore her. He was just overwhelmed with everything.

He runs out of the house and begins to search for El, praying to God he isn't too late.

Eleven ran frantically around Hawkins, everyone eyeing her awkwardly.

I want the pain to go away.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar location. The quarry.

She slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, the memories flooding to her brain. She lets the tears roll down her cheeks.

She remembered the warm hug she shared with Mike. Oh how in love they were. Were.

She looks down the cliff, all of the painful visions rushing back. She looks at the beautiful sunset, how it shines at her face wildly.

She'll miss everything. Eggos. Her den. Fun nights with her friends. Lucas, Dustin, Nancy, Holly, Max, Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, Will.

And especially, Mike. The one she loves and cares for. Her soulmate. She closes her eyes and prepares herself.


   "ELEVEN NO!" yelled Mike.

Eleven turned around and saw a curly haired figure rush towards her.

   "Don't do this!" yelled Mike. El fought back tears.

   "I've made my decision." sniffled El.

   "No! I need you El," yelled Mike. He took a few steps forward, standing only inches away from El.

   "Please, I didn't mean to push you! I would never cause any harm like that ever again. I know how much you've gone through and what I did was stupid! I was scared that you almost revealed your powers! I can't loose you. I care and love you so much. Please, live for me." sobbed Mike.

El looked at the cold water. She turned to Mike's red face and sobbed uncontrollably.

She stepped off the rock and ran to Mike's arms, covering his jacket with blood and tears. She sobbed into his chest, wondering how she could ever leave her family.

Mike wrapped his arms around El's waist with no reason to let go.

   "I will Mike, I'll live for you."

Sad oneshot inspired by many other oneshots! I hope you like it:) Also, how in the world does my other story almost have 1,000 reads? I'm so happy, thank you<3

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