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Max ran all around Hawkins School hallways. It was El's first week in school and she still didn't know where and how things were around here.

She had gone into the restroom to wash her hands when she heard someone scream. She hurried outside and El was no where to be seen.

She pushed past the students scattered around the hallway, receiving rude comments, when she bumped into some familiar people.

   "Woah! What's up?" questioned Dustin. The boys circled around her.
   "Sorry, can't talk right now." muttered Max, walking away.

    "Wait! Where's El?" asked Mike. Max stopped and turned around.
   "Oh uh...she's at the-basketball ball courts!" said Max.

   "First off, why would you leave her alone? Second of all, this school doesn't have basketball courts." said Will.
   "Of course we don't have courts!" whispered Max. She walked up to the four boys and took a deep breath.

   "I was washing my hands when I hear someone scream. So, I hurried outside of the restroom and see that El's gone. Funny, right!" chuckled Max.

   "Um no! What the hell Max?" yelled Mike. Suddenly, they heard footsteps approaching them.

They turned around and saw El slowly walking to the bathroom, face lowered down.
   "El!" shouted Lucas. El picked up her pace.
   "Wait El!" yelled Will. They hurried over to her.
   "Where were-"

Mike turned her around to reveal a dark bruise on her jawline. Her tear stained cheeks were red and her eyes were full of fear.

   "Oh my god, what happened?" said Max. El squeezed her eyes shut, a few tears rushing down.

   "I-I fell and hit my chin on the concrete." mumbled El. Will concentrated and looked at her in shock.

   "No, you didn't," said Will, "Troy did this to you, didn't he?" El buried her head in Mike's chest.

   "What did he do?" asked Lucas. Will closed his eyelids and moved his eyes around. He opened them and covered his mouth.

   "H-He kicked, punched, slapped her and..." trailed off Will. Max, Dustin, and Lucas looked in anger.
   "And what Will?" exclaimed Dustin. He whispered into their ears, leaving them shocked.

   "Oh my god. What a disgusting piece of shit!" yelled Max. Mike looked up at Will.
   "What else did he do to her?" asked Mike.

   "He tried to...take off her shirt and kiss her." said Will. Mike's eyes turned extremely dark. His breathing increased highly.

   "Woah Mike, calm down." Lucas attempted to touch him but he slapped it away.

   "El, I'll be right back." said Mike. He gently took her to Max and stomped out of the building.

Lucas, Dustin, and Will gave each other a worried glance and hurried outside. Lucas stopped at the door.

   "Please stay here and keep her safe." said Lucas. Max nodded and smiled.
   "Thanks! And if Mike doesn't come back, he probably got arrested for murder. Love you!" Lucas ran out and hurried to Mike.

   "Hey Troy!" yelled Mike. Troy turned around and grinned.
   "Sup frogface-" Troy was interrupted by Mike's fist slamming into his face.

   "If you touch her ever again, you're dead." growled Mike. Troy stood up and clenched his face.

   "I gave that weirdo what she deserved. She's a little piece of shit, Wheeler! Always has and always will be." complained Troy. Mike fumed with anger.

He punched Troy again, sending him to the ground, and started pounding on his face.
   "Mike!" yelled Will. The boys struggled to remove him from the bully. Lucas and Dustin finally got him off and gripped onto his shoulders.

   "Shut the fuck up Troy!" shouted Mike. Kids surrounded the heated argument. Will stood infront of Mike.

   "Hey! Stop it, he's not worth it. Go with her. Make her feel better. She needs you right now!" said Will. Mike's face turned back to it's original pale color and his eyes shaded back to dark brown.

He shrugged off his best friends grip and walked close to Troy.
   "You can say whatever you want to me but never try anything with her or my friends, got it?" threatened Mike. Troy nodded. He shoved the bloody boy and walked back into the building.

Max still held El except she had stopped crying.
   "You're back! What did you do?" questioned Max.
   "Let's just say he'll never mess with you guys again." said Mike.

El went over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
   "Thank you." smiled El. Mike wrapped his arms around her neck.
   "I love you." grinned Mike.
   "Love you too." sniffled El.

   "Ok love birds! Let's get out of here before the principal beats your ass!" said Dustin, running out the door. Will laughed and followed shortly after.

   "Let's go milady." Lucas stuck his hand out infront of Max.
   "You're a weird ass kid," chuckled Max, "And I love that." She took his hand and they ran out of the building.

   "We have the best friends, don't we?" said El.
   "Yeah," laughed Mike, "And I have the best girlfriend." They walked out of the school, holding each other with no reason to let go.

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