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The dark blue sky shined with millions of stars, the moon glowing above the city.

El tossed and turned around in her bed, feeling uncomfortable.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open, rubbing them as she sat up.

Her boyfriend layed on the other side, hugging the blanket to his chest.

The room filled with silence, only Mike's snores being heard.

It was rather odd, usually the small husky would be bugging them while they were asleep or breathing heavily against her but nothing of that could be heard.

She looked around the room, frowning as she didn't see her beloved pet.

She glanced over at her clock, which read "3:54am", and stood up.

She quietly opened her door and tiptoed downstairs, trying her best to not wake the others.

As her foot touched the cold, hard floor, quiet tapping took over the quiet, first floor.

"Eggo!" whisper-yelled El, looking around the house.

She rushed into the kitchen as her final destination, only to find no sign of the dog.

But what was odd was that the back door was wide open, a cold wind blowing in.

She furrowed her eyebrows and went over to shut it, growing awfully scared.

What if he ran away? What if someone took him?

As the door was about to shut, something shiny caught her attention. El creaked the door open and bent down to retrieve the object.

It was a golden collar, the word "Eggo" imprinted on it.

A wave of worry rushed over her, which was never a good sign.

She slammed the door closed, not caring if she woke anyone up, and ran to the living room.

She grabbed a piece of cloth and wrapped it around her eyes.

The cold, metal tag layed on her palms, bringing them up to her chest.

She began to focus on the object, trying to find her pet.

All that was seen was a dark horizon, the little husky laying on the floor lifelessly.

El ripped the blindfold off of her face and breathed heavily. Tears rushed down her cheeks, her hands clutching the object.

Suddenly, small footsteps arose from upstairs, making their way down.

She wiped her tears, trying to make out who the person was. It was none other than-

   "El, what happened?" asked Mike, rushing over to her.

   "Eggo! I don't know where she is, something bad happened to her!" cried El, looking around the room.

   "What do you mean?" questioned Mike.

   "I went to the kitchen and saw that the backdoor was open. Outside, her collar was laying on the grass and I sensed that something was wrong! I-I tried to find her but all I saw was her lifeless body on the ground!" sobbed El.

   "Hey, I'm sure she's fine. We'll go find her in the morning. Get some rest for now." assured Mike, stroking her hair.

She slowly nodded, burying her head in his chest.

The two stayed put on the couch, El being the one who couldn't fall asleep.


The sun glowed brightly on Mike's pale face, making him groan.

He fluttered his eyes open, instantly shutting them as the sun glowed.

He faced away from the light and opened them again, noticing his missing girlfriend.

Mike sat up and rubbed his eyes, glancing over at the clock.

It was 2:43pm, meaning Hopper and Joyce were working.

As the front door slammed open, he figured out where his girlfriend had gone.

   "We looked all around the city and found nothing!" yelled El.

She shut the door loudly, only to be opened again by her brothers.

   "Forget about us?" asked Will, gesturing towards Jonathan.

   "What's going on?" said Mike, standing up.

   "Well, maybe if I had a boyfriend who actually cared and listened to what I was saying last night then you would know what's going on!" shouted El, storming into the other room.

The three boys stood there in shock, finally understanding how hard this must be for her.

   "I'll talk to her." informed Mike, following after her.

She sat on the small couch, looking down at the floor. Subtle tears glimmered on the edge of her eyes, her sniffles getting louder.

Mike went over and sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her.

   "I'm sorry for upsetting you." said Mike, rubbing her back as she cried in his chest.

   "Y-You have nothing to be sorry for, I shouldn't have b-blown up at you like that. It's just..."

   "It hurts, not knowing where someone you love is," sniffled El, "I can't lose someone I love anymore. I lost my parents, my sister, and now her. It's only a matter of time before I lose my family and then you-"

   "El, you're never going to lose me. For as long as I'm alive, I will be by your side. I'm not letting you go, not again. Not ever," stated Mike, "We're going to find her, I promise."

El looked up at his dark brown eyes and smiled, wiping her tears.

   "I love you." whispered El, laying a kiss on his jawline.

   "I love you too." grinned Mike.

Just then, a knock arose from the front door.

"I'll open it!" shouted Jonathan, opening the wooden door.

There stood Steve, cradling the small puppy in his arms.

"I think I found what you're looking for." smirked Steve, walking inside.

"Oh El, come over here." called Steve. El furrowed her eyebrows and stood up.

"You too, Michael!"

Mike stood up as well, following the girl into the living room.

El's eyes lit up with relief and happiness.
"Eggo!" exclaimed El, rushing over to Steve.

"I found her outside in my front yard just running around in circles at 3am. I took her in and let her sleep for a couple hours. Then, I brought her here." explained Steve, handing the dog over to El.

"That's why you saw her laying on the ground. She was sleeping!" said Mike.

"Thank you so much, Steve. You're the best." smiled El, letting the husky go.

"No problem. Also, you both are way too young to be having 'sleepovers' on a daily basis!"

"Can't remember the last time he wasn't in our house." scoffed Will, playing with Eggo.

"For your information, I wasn't here yesterday!"

"That's because you went shopping, with El." laughed Jonathan.

"Well, every moment with her is the best." smiled Mike, kissing her cheek.

The three boys fake gagged, sending laughter throughout the whole house.

inspired by me bc my dog went missing a few days ago but he's back safe and sound😤

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