happily ever after

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Inspired from "The Land Of Stories: Worlds Collide" by Chris Colfer, who has inspired me to write stories and taught me what a happily ever after is.

what is a happily ever after?

el had asked herself the same question ever since she found out the saying.

in most books, a happily ever after was an ending where everyone was at peace and lived the best life.

in this case, a happily ever after was far away from her view.

having a problem almost every week, the last thing el could do was be at peace.

it left her frightened and disappointed, thinking she will never be at peace.

she has almost reached the limits of death many times in the past, it was only a matter of time before she actually passes them.

happiness was never one of el's best emotion, it was as if she were always anger, frustrated, sad, or scared.

there was only one time where she shares that rare emotion.

where her lips curve into a smile and her mouth opens to release a giggle or laugh.

where she feels as if her problems have disappeared, only leaving her and the nerdy boy.

feeling calm, happy, and safe.

only with michael wheeler.

he had helped her throughout every step of the way in this strange journey.

teaching her how to write, read, speak. increasing her vocabulary, showing her what math, science, and history.

being patient with her, showing her the painful and joyous world.

she enjoyed spending time with him, traveling to other states or just hanging out in town.

just seeing him smile or laugh and knowing he's happy because of her made the butterflies in her stomach flutter around excitedly.

that was something she wish she could do forever.

just be with him forever.

finally one day, she decided to ask him the question that had been bothering her since hopper had read her "snow white" in 1984.


el layed on mike's chest, feeling his normal rate heartbeat and rising chest.

he wrapped his arms around her, staring up at the ceiling as he talked with her.

she also stared up at the stary ceiling, giggling as she remembered how he still had the same color since they were thirteen and refused to have it painted over.

"hey mike?" said el, continuing to look up at the painted constellations.

"yes love?" replied mike, closing his eyes for a brief second.

"what's a 'happily ever after'?" asked el.

mike furrowed his eyebrows and brought his attention towards her."what?"

"you know, they say it in almost every end of a fairytale. they make us believe that someone kind, generous, and responsible will have a happily ever after. i've tried to be one of those people since i escaped. i thought being perfect would guarantee you a happy ending. but growing up and encountering these new problems ever day, i realize that life isn't a fairytale and it can't achieve that happiness. no matter how much you work and pray into it, a happily ever after doesn't exist." responded el, still looking up.

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