friends don't lie

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The seven people roamed around the house, discussing plans.

El sat on the couch, hugging her knees to her chest, staring off in the distance.

"Need some company?" asked Will, sitting beside her.

She didn't respond, nor did she turn to look at him. Empty space seemed to occupy her vision.

"I know how your feeling right now. I'm scared too." sighed Will.

"What if something happened to him? What if he's hurt or worse, dead!" replied El.

Those were the first words she had spoken since Mike had left along with Dustin, Lucas, Hopper, Jonathan, and Steve. They had gone out to search for cules and keep unknown creatures away from the house but they had been gone for over six days now.

"They aren't, I know it." stated Will.

She finally looked up at him, revealing the tears in her eyes.

"Promise?" sniffled El.

Will pulled her close to him and smiled softly.


Suddenly, bright yellow lights shined from the window. El hurried up and rushed to the see outside.

A police car pulled up in the Byers driveway, building her with hope. She went over to the door and slammed it open.

"El, wait!" shouted Joyce, following after her.

She stood at the porch, waiting for the passengers to get out.

First, Lucas and Dustin hopped out. Then, Hopper, Steve, and Jonathan. Everyone safe and sound.

A tall figure slowly emerged from Hopper's car, looking around for the one person he wanted to see.

And there she was, standing on the porch, looking as beautiful as ever. They stood only inches away from each other, examining their features.


She ran over to him and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. She burried her head in his chest, glad he was safe as well.

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, missing her warmth.

"I missed you so much," sobbed El, "I-I thought you were gone."

"I know, I'm sorry..." cried Mike, tears falling from his eyes, "We went through a whole lot. I had to lie to protect you."

El looked up at him and felt water rushing down her cheeks.

"But friends don't lie." stated El.

"Yeah, that's another thing," sniffled Mike, "I'm done being your friend, El."

"I love you."

El stared at him shocked but soon replaced it with happiness.

"I love you too."

They both leaned in and connected their lips. It was powerful, one they've never shared before. A fire rose between them, bubbling up in their stomachs.

Then, the kids were swept off the ground and up in the air, lips still connected. A bright light flashed from their standing, blinding the people around.

The sky suddenly went from terrifying red to sparkling dark, clouds roaming around. The loud screeching from the "Demodogs" had come to a conflusion from far away. Everything went back to normal.

A black shadow surrounded them and flew into space, leaving Hawkins for good.

Mike and El finally set down on the surface and leaned out, gasping for air. They looked around at the normal surroundings and shocked people.

"What happened?" asked El.
"The monster, it left. That...kiss, destroyed it." stated Nancy, leaning against Jonathan.

"That thing only reacts when your scared, sad, or angry but..." trailed off Hopper.

"You aren't feeling either of those things. Something finally replaced them. Your-" continued Max.

"In love." finished Mike. He stared into her hazel eyes and smiled.

"Your love and happiness defeated the shadow monster." said Lucas.

"Yeah, I guess it did." grinned El. She went on her tippy toes and placed a soft kiss on Mike's lips, feeling better than ever.

"Two teens in love. What an interesting observation." scoffed Dustin, walking inside the Byers house.

The two leaned out and held each other close, finally at peace.

i need some suggestions but my messages don't work:( rip

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