love isn't just a word

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Mike and El cuddled up on her bed, staring at the bright, small screen infront of them.

It had been six months since the gate had been closed and the shadow monster was destroyed, meaning they've had six full months of peace and happiness.

At first, he wasn't allowed to come over due to safety precautions but that of course didn't stop them from seeing each other.

He would sneak over three times a week and hang out with her, both thinking that Hopper was clueless, but he definitely knew what was going on.

Those nights he would come back from work and she'd be in a great mood, he knew it was because of Mike.

And yes, he could've busted them but secretly, he enjoyed his daughter being happy.

And if it were any boy she wanted to spend her life with, he was glad it was "that Wheeler boy."

So he decided to let him, and only him, to come over anyday. What he did expect though was seeing him everyday.

Suddenly, a familar knock arose from the door in the living room followed by a call.

   "It's me, Hopper!" said Hop, taking off the hat from his head.

   "I'll get it-" As El sat up, Mike eased her back down and stood up.

   "I'll go." he flashed her a smile and walked out of the room, shutting the door gently.

He rushed towards the door, unlocking every lock. The door opened to reveal a tall man who had a cigarette in his hand.

"Hey kiddo, how you been?" he asked, ruffling his hair and going inside.

"It's been good. El and I were just watching soap operas, like usual. How was work?" questioned Mike, shutting the door.

"Well, Steve's brother came in again to report another 'incident' with El." sighed Hopper.

Mike rolled his eyes and scoffed, "He'll do anything for attention. The disgusting piece of shit."

   "I thought he stopped messing with you and the other kids?" asked Hop.

   "Well yeah, but before it was just awful." groaned Mike, sitting down on the couch. "He would always tease me about El, saying that she was dead."

   "Kids can be cruel, and stupid." added Hopper, sitting beside him and turning on the television.

   "They sure as hell can be, but I never listened to him. No matter how many times people told me she was gone, I never lost hope. I knew she was out there, and now look where we are. She's here safe and sound with me and the rest, but I guess I learned that the hard way." frowned Mike.

Hopper glanced at him and thought of a funny joke to pull.

   "Yeah, but you two are great friends now." exclaimed Hopper, focusing on the tv.

Mike furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at him, "Excuse me?"

   "You know, that little friendship you got going on. It's adorable." laughed Hopper. The boy crossed his arms and glared at him.

   "You're kidding, right? Friendship? I'll let you know all of the times I would beg you to let me come over and ask for your permission to take her on a date or to stay over at my house was not because she's my friend!" scoffed Mike.

   "Really? Never really thought of it that way. I mean, I would never let my daughter date someone at such a young age." replied Hopper.

   "Sorry to break it to you, but I'm dating your daughter. She's someone I adore and love with all of my heart and I'm pretty sure you and everyone else knows that." stated Mike.

Hopper felt his heart stop for a second. She had always told him how much she adored and loved him but the thought of him having the same feelings, maybe even stronger ones, scared him a bit.

He finally turned to look at him and thought of something to say back to him but all that came out was, "Love is just a word."

   "Love isn't a word. It's a person. And for me, it's her. She's frustrated me, driven me crazy, destroyed me, and rebuilt me. And those were the most painful yet happiest moments for me, and am I god damn thankful for her. Now, here I am telling you that El and I are definitely more than friends and I love her, so much." grinned Mike.

He knew it was a joke and decided to play along, but what he just said was true.

He loved that girl more than anything in this world. The two would do anything for each other.

   "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going back with my girlfriend!" smirked Mike, standing up and walking towards the green door.

He opened it and stepped inside, leaving the door slightly open as he left the man with a confused expression.

   "What took you so long?" asked El, intrigued in the television.

   "I was just talking with your dad." he replied, plopping down next to her.

   "Yeah but you're terrified of him." laughed El, looking down at his beautiful face.

   "Not anymore." grinned Mike, looking back up at her hovering face.

Suddenly, he found her lips connecting with his immediately after.

Usually, he was the one to lean in but this brought a whole new meaning to their kisses.

She layed her hand on his chest as their lips moved in sync, both feeling their cheeks heat up.

She slowly leaned out, faces only inches away from each other, and stared into his dark brown eyes.

   "I-I love you, Mike." stuttered El, a small smile forming on her face.

Mike felt his heart beat faster, his adrenaline filling with excitement and happiness. Oh my god, oh my god. She loves me.

   "I love you too, El." smiled Mike.

She let out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding. He does love me, oh my god!

She layed down beside him and nuzzled her head in the crook of his neck.

He turned to his side and wrapped his arms around her waist as her arms drapped around his neck.

He grabbed the large blanket with his left hand and covered them with it, both slowly falling asleep.

What the two didn't know was that Hopper had heard the whole conversation, secretly happy for the two of them.

i'm writing a new book and idk if i should actually go through with it:(

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