birthday? pt.1

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Eleven felt a pair of arms rattle her around while she was sleeping. She fluttered her eyes open and saw a girl with long, red hair hovering above.

   "El, wake up!" said Max. She furrowed her eyebrows while rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning to you too." groaned El.

"Sorry, but I have a surprise for you!" exclaimed Max. She whipped out a baby blue dress with white converse, exactly what El liked.

"Woah, I love it! Thank you Max." smiled El.
"Hey no problem, now put it on!" She lead her into the bathroom and hurried upstairs.

"Are you guys ready?" asked Max.
"Yeah, we are! What about you?" questioned Lucas.

"Max?" yelled El.
"Almost!" She shut the door and ran downstairs.

"Wow El! You look amazing," complimented Max, "Oh, I almost forgot!"

She rummaged around her pocket and took out a blue hair pin. She adjusted it on El's hair and lead her up the stairs.

"Okay El, I need you to close your eyes and don't open them until I say open!" demanded Max.
"Why?" asked El.

"Because, we have another surprise." smirked Max.
"Another one? We?" questioned El. She was very confused at this point.

"Yes! Now close your eyes!" said Max. El did as told and shut her eyelids.

Max took her hand in hers and opened the basement door. She walked over to the middle of the room, examining the people hiding.

"Open." said Max, leaning against the candy table. El opened her eyes to reveal a beautifully decorated living room.

Rainbow streamers hung around the walls, a big sign titled, "Happy Birthday El!" in bold pink letters.

Suddenly, multiple people jumped out from beneath, shouting "Surprise!" El eyes widened at the sight of her family appearing out of nowhere.

Mike rushed over to the girls side.
"Happy Birthday love!" smiled Mike, pulling her in a hug.

"B-Birthday?" asked El, obviously confused. He leaned out and stared at her in shock.

"Did you really not tell her what and when her birthday is?" questioned Mike at Hopper and Joyce.

"I thought Jim had explained it to her," muttered Joyce, nudging her husband, "El sweetie, a birthday is the day you were born. So fourteen years ago, February 19, 1971, you came into the world! And every year you sort of upgrade and you celebrate."

El nodded her head in understandment.
"Speaking of celebrate, let's get this party started!" shouted Dustin.


A few hours had passed and El was having the time of her life. They had all danced, ate tasty food, made jokes (especially about Dustin and Steve), and played games.

Now, Mike and El sat down in the living room while the others stayed down in the basement.

"Are you enjoying the party?" asked Mike, holding her warm hands.
"I love it! Thank you." smiled El.

"No problem, anything to make you happy." nodded Mike. He stared into her hazel eyes, getting lost for the millionth time.

El took a deep breath, breaking the stare, and gripped his hands tighter.

"Mike," started El, "I just wanna say how lucky and thankful I am to have you in my life."

"You really have impacted my life in the best way possible," spoke El, "I never thought that I would ever love anyone in my life, heck I didn't even know what love was. But when I met you, a whole new perspective of life took over. A good one. One where I know I'll be okay as long as you're there. My life changed for the better. All because of some nerdy boy I stumbled across in the woods, but I would never trade that moment for the world. I don't regret amything that has happened between us, bad or good, it's lead me to today and I couldn't be any more happy. I love you."

Mike stared at her with the biggest heart eyes.

"El, I love you too. I can't even begin to explain how much you mean to me..." trailed off Mike. He suddenly remembered his present for her and smirked.

"Actually, I can. Come on."


Meanwhile in the basement, they all talked about random things.

"So, what did you guys get El?" asked Hopper. The presents varied from jewelry to clothing, until...

"I got her Bazookas, Chips, Candy, Eggos..." trailed off Dustin. They all stared at him in confusion and rolled their eyes.

"Hey, at least my present is from the heart! All you guys did was ask Nancy, Max, or Mrs. Wheeler and Byers to help," scoffed Dustin, "Plus, she has such a sweet tooth. She'll love it!"

"What do you guys think their doing up there?" questioned Will.

"Probably sucking face, those crazy kids can never get enough of each other!" sighed Lucas.
"Yeah, one of these days their gonna you know...get it on." winked Steve.

"What the hell guys! You're disgusting." groaned Nancy.

"What, it's true! They obviously love each other and honestly, it wouldn't be wrong if they did." encouraged Dustin.

"Their fourteen, dipshit!" shouted Max.
"It's true love!" argued Dustin.

"How the fuck would you know what true love is? You haven't even made physical contact with a girl!" scoffed Max.

"That's not true, Max! Don't forget about his mom!" informed Jonathan. The kids burst out laughing, as did Dustin.

"They're way too young to be doing that kind of stuff!" frowned Karen.

"You're right Mrs. Wheeler. No one wants them having a child at age seventeen, only being married because Mike's rich and older!" scoffed Dustin.

They all fell on the floor, crying from laughing so hard. Joyce put an arm around Karen's shoulder, soothing her.

Just then, Mike came rushing down.
"Time to open the presents!"

sorry this wasn't really full of mileven but i promise the next part will! i got to caught up in their roast session lol

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