birthday? pt.2

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Everyone gathered around the living room, examining the presents on the purple table.

   "Sit here!" Nancy gestured to the pink chair next to the table.

El let go of Mike's hand and walked over to his sister. She slowly sat down and glanced at her family.

   "Okay, I saw this when I went shopping with you and Nancy. You seemed to really like it but we didn't have enough money so I decided to get it for you." smiled Max, grabbing a blue box with a red bow. She handed it to El and let her rip it open.

Inside, a pink purse with a golden zipper shined on her face. El gasped and picked it up to show everyone.

   "I saw that at the store when I went with my mom and Erika, it cost like thirty dollars!" exclaimed Lucas.

   "Thank you so much Max!" She wrapped her arms around the girl's hair and smiled.
   "Anything for the birthday girl." grinned Max.

She stood up and walked next to Lucas while Dustin made his way towards an orange bag with pink sparkles.

   "I got you this El!" smiled Dustin. The others watched in amusement as they already knew what it was. El took out the pink paper and peeked inside.

   "A whole supply of goodies, Henderson Style!" El took out the candy as the others gaped their mouths open.

   "Woah, these candies are like the most valuable in the country! How did you do it?" asked Lucas. The kids huddled over to the girl, awing the sweets.

   "I have my ways." smirked Dustin, winking towards Steve.

   "Thanks Dustin, No other present can top this one!" joked El, hugging the curly haired boy.

He stood up and gestured Lucas to come over. He did as told and handed a red box to El.

   "Thought you would like this, I hope you do." breathed Lucas. El lifted the lid and looked at the box in awe.

   "Oh my god Lucas." She whipped out a beautiful white dress with matching shoes.

   "I absolutely love this." She placed the clothes down and pulled him in a tight hug.

   "It was the least I could do. You're like another sister to me." smiled Lucas. He leaned out and walked over to the group.

Nancy and Karen excitedly went over and gave El a purple box. She opened it and found a bunch of shiny jewlery, from a variety of colors.

   "Wow, all of this for me?" questioned El, putting on on of the bracelets.

   "Of course! You've made us all really happy, we wanted you to have something nice." Nancy and Karen wrapped their arms around the girl and went back to their regular place.

Then, Max and Dustin pushed the tall eighteen year old over to the pink table.

   "It's not in here actually." sighed Steve. He went to the kitchen, came back in, and handed her a huge red box with holes.

   "It's not anything special, hope you like it." muttered Steve. El furrowed her eyebrow and opened the box.

Immediately, her jaw dropped, making the others suspicious.

   "Steve, I-I don't know what to say." tears formed in the corner of her eyes.
   "What is it?" asked Max.

A small whimper arose from the box. El carefully took out a small husky. One eye was blue while the other was dark. A collar labeled, "Eggo" jingled around his neck.

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