my girl

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The clock that layed on the wooden bedstand began to buzz wildly, startling El.

She groaned and layed her hand repeatedly on the clock, missing every time to turn it off.

She finally stood up and pressed the button, putting the ringing to a stop.

The bright blue numbers showed, 10:39am.

There was no school today, for the next two weeks actually.

It was seven days until Christmas and thirteen days until New Years Eve. The school had given them two weeks off since the holidays were only a week apart.

The only reason she had her alarm on was because she could never get up in the mornings.

There would be times where she would wake up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

She rubbed her eyes and walked over to her closet, picking out an outfit for today.

After a couple minutes, she changed out of her pajamas into her new clothes and looked over herself in the mirror.

"This is good I guess." said El, laying her hands on her hips.

Suddenly, a knock arose on the door, making her jump a little.

"El, can I come in?" asked her brother, already turning the knob.

"Come in, Will." replied El, kneeling down to tie her converse.

The door creaked open, revealing a tall boy with light brown hair. He wore a plain, navy blue shirt with dark pants and black converse.

"Wow, you finally woke up early. I guess that clock worked out perfectly huh?" asked Will, plopping down on her bed.

"Yes, it actually has," answered El, standing up, "How do I look?"

She wore a black turtle neck with dark blue jeans and maroon colored converse, completed with a black bomber jacket with dark red roses on the sleeves, a black and white striped collar. (picture el in rowan's outfit and hairstyle above lol)

"Looks like your missing something." stated Will, looking over at a golden box on her stand.

El furrowed her eyebrows but immediately realized what he was talking about.

"Your right!" she said, rushing over to the box, "Close your eyes."

Will sighed and burried his face in the soft pillow while El got the key.

"You can look now." said El, opening the box.

There layed a golden necklace with a heart locket.

Inside, a picture of her and Mike laughing stayed, the other side holding the infamous quote, "Promise."

She stood up and looked mysteriously at the boy now standing beside her.

"Let's go!" exclaimed El, grabbing his arm and leading him downstairs.

It had been three years since Hopper and Joyce married each other and moved in a new, better house with their family.

The four had been living together happily with their five year old husky, Eggo.

"Good morning sweetie! Did you sleep well?" asked Joyce, setting a plate on the table.

"Yeah, it's really peaceful without this little monster waking you up ever hour!" laughed El, petting Eggo.

"Where's dad?" asked El, looking around.

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