ice cream

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El ran around the black void, her brown wavy, curls bouncing with every step she took.

Her bare feet stomping the water created tiny splashes, almost touching her silk, pink sleepwear.

   "Mike! Mike, where are you?" yelled El.

A cold breeze suddenly brushed through the place, forcing her hands to rub her arms gently.

Then, a loud roar arose from a few feet behind her. She slowly turned her head to face behind her and saw a tall figure standing there.

She fully turned around and clearly saw Mike with a black long sleeve shirt and grey sweatpants. 

   "El, y-you have to go now!" shouted Mike, tears glimmering in his eyes.

   "No, I'm not leaving you!" yelled back El. She began running towards him but felt a strong force pull her back halfway through.

She brought her hand up but felt it hit a somewhat invisible wall. He rushed towards her as well and stopped infront of the wall, pounding on it.

   "It's too late..." cried Mike, looking down at the ground.

El looked at his pale face in fear, tears forming in her eyes. He carefully brought his head up and stared into her hazel eyes, "It's coming."

She saw the boy get pulled away from the wall onto the floor, water splashing.

A big monster that resembled the Demogorgen a lot pounced on top of him, opening it's dark mouth.

   "No! Mike!" screamed El, pounding harshly on the wall as she heard his terrifying screams.

   "El, wake up..." she heard faintly.

She felt herself get dizzy by the second as she stepped back from the horrific scene. Her body felt weightless as she dropped to the floor.


She shot up from the now soft bed and looked around.

She was in her room, the moon glowed from the window on to the carpet, with Mike sitting beside her. He worriedly looked at her as his hand layed on her shoulder.

   "What's wrong?" asked Mike, his dark, natural curls hovering around. El turned to look at him and let out a breath of relief.

Without saying a word, she wrapped her arms around his neck, sobbing silently in his chest.

   "Y-You're here, you're okay." cried El.

Mike ran his hand through her hair, another around her waist, and frowned.

   "I'm here, El. It was just a nightmare." sighed Mike.

She leaned out and looked down at the sheets. He hesitantly wiped her tears away and lifted her chin up.

   "I'm sorry for waking you up, that was stupid of me." frowned El.

   "Hey, you have nothing to be sorry for." stated Mike. He knew why she had nightmares every so often, the past events of her life would haunt her forever. So whenever she did have them, he would immediately drop everything and comfort her. "You know I'll do anything for you."

El softly smiled and giggled, "I know."

Mike then thought of an idea. He got off of the bed and slipped on his shoes, going over to her closet and grabbing one of his jackets.

   "What are you doing?" asked El, furrowing her eyebrows.

   "We're going to the ice cream parlor." said Mike, getting another blue jacket. "You're mom gets off at 11:30 and it's still 9:45."

He went over and handed her the sweater, socks, and her converse.

She looked up at him, admiring his small smirk, and shook her head in defeat.

   "Fine." she replied, putting on her socks.

Mike smiled and layed a kiss on her cheek, waiting for her to finish.

She finally stood up and followed him downstairs to the living room, as quiet as they could.

The two rushed outside, Mike grabbing his bike and getting on it. He patted the seat from behind for El to sit on, as she did so.

They drove down the road towards the city plaza, noticing the few cars parked in the lots. They finally arrived at a familar building after a few minutes and parked just outside.

Mike got off first, helping El, and opened the glass door.

The place shined with bright lights, only five people eating their deserts inside.

   "What are you two doing here?" asked a familar voice. El skipped inside towards the counter and hugged the woman behind it.

   "Just wanted to say hi." grinned Mike.
   "Funny, now why are you really here?" asked Joyce, crossing her arms.

   "I had a nightmare and we just wanted to come here." replied El, looking down at her feet nervously.

Joyce looked at Mike, who quietly begged her to not say anything that would upset her, and gave him a small smile.

   "Well you guys came at the right time." said Joyce, walking towards the ice cream. "They just shipped in new waffle cones!"

The mention of waffles immediately made El look up at the cones. She rushed over to her mother and examined it.

   "A rolled eggo?" exclaimed El, glancing at Joyce.

   "Uh, sure! Whatever please you." laughed Joyce. "What flavor do you want?"

   "Strawberry, and vanilla for Mike." smiled El, connecting her hand with his.

Joyce slid open the glass cover and placed scoops of ice cream on the cones, handing them to the two kids.

El anxiously grabbed it and pulled Mike to a table, eagerly sitting down in the comfty chair. He laughed at how fast she ate the frozen cream, shaking his head.

Suddenly, she drew the cone away from her mouth and closed her eyes, grabbing her head in pain.

   "What happened?" questioned Mike, grabbing her hand.

   "My head!" groaned El, pointing to her forehead. "It hurts." He finally realized what was going on and laughed.

   "It's just a brain freeze." stated Mike, grabbing a napkin and wiping the ice cream off her face.

   "A brain freeze?" she asked, genuinely curious at the new word.

   "You know, when you eat something cold way too fast. You get a brain freeze." explained Mike.

   "My brain is frozen?" shouted El, worriedly.

Mike shook his head and wrapped his arm around her, laying his head on her shoulder.

   "Never change, El." smiled Mike.
   "I can't really change if my brain is frozen." giggled El.

The two shared many laughs throughout the night, not knowing that this would be a traditional thing whenever El had a nightmare.

may not update since im sick:(

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