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The cabin in the woods contained the whole gang, each doing their own things.

Nancy and Jonathan cared for Steve's messed up face in the kitchen while the kids layed on the couches and talked in the living room. Hopper was also in the kitchen making coffee and Eggos, for everyone to eat.

It had been four hours since the gate had been closed and they all decided to stay at Hopper and El's cabin for the night, since the Byers was a total mess.

   "Sweetie, are you done?" questioned Joyce, leaning against the door.

She'd been in the bathroom for an hour and thirty minutes almost, worrying them.

She lifted her head off the door as she heard a soft "yes" and stood beside the boy, who had patiently waited for so long.

The door clicked open to reveal the, now cleansed, girl with her pajamas, her natural curls settling in already.

Mike felt his jaw drop at the sight. She looked even more beautiful than she had, and that for him was impossible.

"All good now?" asked Joyce, laying a hand on her shoulder.

El nodded with a small smile on her face, enough to make anyone smile as well.

"Alrighty then, I'll go get the beds ready." And with that, Joyce left the two kids to chat.

The girl turned her attention towards the boy and began to grow self-conscious.

Why was he staring at me like that? Do I look bad?

   "Still pretty?" questioned El, as quiet as she could. That was enough to make Mike snap out of his gaze, he stepped over to her and smiled.

   "Y-You look beautiful." stated Mike, fidgeting with his hands.

The girl felt a blush creep over her cheeks, no one had ever told her her that she looked pretty or beautiful. Only Mike had, and, for her, that was enough.

Suddenly, Hopper called from the kitchen. "Food's ready!"

Mike looked over at El and then held his hand out for her to grab, which she graciously accepted.

   "I'm so hungry!" exclaimed Lucas, grabbing four Eggos from the counter.

   "You kids haven't eaten alot the past few days, it was the least I could do." sighed Hopper, taking a bite of the waffle. "Here El, this one's especially for you."

It was a triple eggo extravaganza, as the two called it, and she excitedly pulled Mike to the table for two and sat down.

   "No fair, why does she get that?" groaned Dustin.

   "Maybe next time you should try closing a gate to another dimension and save all of our asses." replied Max.

El glanced at the redhead, who was already looking at her, and smiled. Max grinned back, the two girls continuing a conversation with the boys.


Mike layed on the bed beside El, staring up at the wall. He was still processing what had and was happening.

He was in the home of the girl he had called for 353 days. The girl that sacrificed her life for his, not knowing whether she was alive or not.

Eleven had been gone for almost a year and not a day went by were he didn't think of her. His hopes of her return never left and just as he knew, she came back.

She saved the world again, but she mainly saved him. Saved him from what could've turned to something way worse. And boy was he glad she was with him now.

"Mike." whispered El.

The boy looked at the girl who was looking right back at him, "Yeah?"

"I-I'm really happy I'm with you now." she stated.

He stared into the hazel eyes he missed every so often. The ones that held so much happiness and love yet so much pain.

"Me too," he paused, "I was really miserable without you."

El furrowed her eyebrows, she had never learned what that meant "Miserable?"

"When you feel very sad over something, usually a lost loved one." explained Mike, playing with the blanket.

She thought about the word for a second, it was something she felt in those long days. "I felt that everyday too. It hurt."

Mike sniffled and pulled her close into his arms, admiring her warmth.

"The past year definitely hard and painful but it's over now. You and I are here now. And we can now live our lifes together, both happy and safe." said Mike.

El nuzzled her head under the crook of his neck and felt her body tense up about the thing she was about to say next.

Hopper had explained to her what it meant and if she were honest, she felt all of those happy emotions thinking about or when she was with him.

"I love you, Mike." choked out El.

Mike felt himself freeze at those words. He had just realized a couple hours ago that he loved her but saying it was the hardest part.

He layed a kiss on her forehead and then nuzzled his head on hers. "I love you too, El."

She let out a deep breath, making Mike giggle softly, and fluttered her eyes close.

"Let's go to sleep now, you've had a long day." frowned Mike. He felt her head nod and she mumbled, "Goodnight."

"Goodnight El." And with that, the two teens fell into a deep sleep in each others arms, both safe from any harm.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Hopper sat in his chair drinking coffee while Nancy sipped her tea on the other end. Everyone else was already fast asleep.

The kids slept on two couches while Jonathan and Steve layed on the mattresses placed together on the floor. Joyce was in Hopper's room and Mike stayed in El's.

"You know," said Nancy, setting down her cup, "He really missed her."

Hopper looked up at the girl. "What?"

"Mike, he missed El. I would sometimes hear him call her on the supercom. He would always go down to the basement, and he never let anyone of us touch her fort." frowned Nancy, feeling sympathy for her brother. "He was broken."

Hopper still felt guilty for everything. He hid her for so long without letting Mike know she was alive and safe.

And he knew he was affected by the whole situation. God, was he a mess. But something in him kept the two away from each other, for their own safety.

"He cried himself to sleep. He had nightmares about the night she disappeared. Almost every single night that he would come into my room and cry into my arms. It hurt him." whispered Nancy.

"I know, she cried too. It made her so angry that she couldn't be with him. She always begged me to let her see him or for her to answer his calls." sighed Hopper.

"But I've learned that those two cannot be separated. They need each other, we both saw how relieved and emotional they were to see each other. I had never seen them so happy in my time knowing the two, and you probably haven't either." Nancy stared at him as she slowly nodded.

"The best we can do is support them through their tough times, but I have a feeling they won't have them so much anymore. Not that they have each other now." stated Hopper. "Now get some rest, we all need it."

He stood up, placed his mug in the sink, and went into his room, leaving Nancy to ponder on her thoughts.

this probably sucks:(

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