the first lie

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Soon after the occurrences of the night the bad men separated Eleven and Mike, both of their worlds had fallen apart.

It was such a painful, exhausting ride for not only them, but the rest. It hurt seeing the boy so heartbroken, knowing that the girl who saved them all was possibly close to losing it by now.

And when they had heard that she had ran away once again from the lab, they knew the workers were going to interrogate them, which mostly affected Mike.

He thought the worse of what could've happened to her but he knew she was alive. It just wasn't the best idea to go straight to the boy, not after last time he thought.

But what they didn't know was that she was safe, she wasn't lost. In fact, she was actually staying in a little cabin along with Hopper.

Since he had multiple connections with the lab, he could access and enter at anytime. That was the way  he managed to free the girl from that hellhole.

And there would also be someone to watch her almost everyday while Hopper was off at work, his name was Steve. He would often stay overnight to keep an eye on her or just keep her comfort for the whole week.

Recently, him and Nancy had broken up, Will had been acting very strange lately, Joyce had a new boyfriend, a new girl had showed up in Hawkins (which she hated), and Mike had been showing more signs of severe depression.

It was truly breaking her heart on how her family didn't know that she was okay. They were the only two who knew of her well-being, constantly caring for her.

But one specific week, the two stopped showing up. Her mind was convinced that they were just mad at her but deep down she sensed that something was wrong.

Her and Hopper had a huge fight, leading her to run away and try to find what she thought was her family.

It all surfaced to right now as she walked down a sandy pathway surrounded by tall trees.

It was very familiar to her, leading to the Byers household. She stopped in her tracks and admired the structure, releasing a shaky breath.

A small growl arose from the porch near the two, white recliners. It was a creature that looked like a much smaller version of the Demogorgen, covered in slime.

It made contact with her eyes and charged forwards, attempting to attack. El immediately shot her arm out, sending the monster flying across through the window.

It shattered loudly, many screams escaping from inside. She then rushed the final steps towards the porch and froze.

What would they all do? What would I do?

She hesitantly walked up the steps to the front door and focused on the inside lock, knowing it was probably locked.

El tilted her head to the side quickly and unlocked it. Her hand wrapped around the knob and twisted it, opening the creaky door.

She immediately caught everyone's shocked expressions, hearing objects fall to the ground.

Hopper and Steve immediately lowered their weapons as the girl stepped inside, lowering her head.

Mike slowly walked a couple feet infront of her and stared in shock.

It was her. It was El.

Her expression softened as she met his beautiful, brown eyes, her mouth gaping open.

"E-Eleven." mumbled Mike, walking towards her.

"Mike..." she trailed off, wrapping her arms around his waist.

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