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*slight trigger warning*

mike, lucas, and dustin rode on their bikes, inches away from the familiar sign that was titled, "welcome to hawkins."

it had been a while since he had seen it, before the whole mess occurred.

in the month of october 1987, the shadow monster managed to find its way out of the upside down, opening the ravenous gate once more and terrorizing the residents of hawkins.

the boy knew where it was heading too, that monster wasn't like the last. it had a mission, and that was to destroy its only competitor.

jane hopper, the most powerful girl him and the others had ever seen.

and if it were smart, it would go for her biggest weaknesses, number one being mike.

so he convinced the boys to run as far away from the small town, only informing will about the situation.

he needed his family safe, he needed them to stay alive. el's life was not going to end over some monster, not on mike's watch.

and as he planned, it followed them and was sucked right back into the portal to the other dimension in another lab, the gate closing seconds afterwards.

as soon as the boys had the chance to escape, they headed straight back home.

mike came to an abrupt stop next to the sign, making the others stop as well. "we're home."

   "i never thought i'd say this about this shitty town but man does it feel good to be home."

lucas removed the backpack from his shoulders and zipped it open, grabbing the black supercom, "will? are you there?"

the three waited a few seconds until a staticy voice arose, "my god, lucas. you're lucky the others are inside, or they would've gone nuts!" 

   "yeah, yeah...anyways, we're in hawkins now. we'll be over there in about fifteen minutes. are you at your house?" asked dustin, snatching the device from the other boy's hands.

   "everyone's here at my house, we're all okay. i don't think there's been a week where they all haven't stayed here!" scoffed will, "they're all really scared, and so...depressed."

   "depression? isn't that a fancy word for feeling 'bummed out'?" questioned dustin.

lucas rolled his eyes, "dustin, you ignorant slut." making dustin slap his hand over his chest.

mike then snatched the supercom from dustin and spoke, "h-how's el?"

there was a long pause before will started to speak, "uh-she's not doing so good. it's been really hard on her, you know."

   "what do you mean?"
   "i'd rather speak of this in private, for el's sake." replied will, sending an awkward vibe.

   "alright, see you soon will." said mike, the other boys sending a goodbye as well.

   "bye guys!" and with that, static released from the supercom.

mike handed the supercom back to his friend and began pedaling into the town, leaving dustin and lucas to settle.

he thought about what will had said for a while, how bad had she gotten?

he never really thought about how she would feel about him and the boys running away like that, all he wanted was for her to be safe.

but the more he analyzed it, he began to realize how much danger she was in without knowing whether or not the person she loves the most is alive.

it would affect her mental health, damaging her mind for as long as he had been gone.

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