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Eleven layed in bed, debating if her husband loved her or not. She stared at the wall with complete silence. Suddenly, a knock came on the door, making her jump up.

"Mom," said fourteen year old Emma, "Are you alright?" El sighed and caught her breath.
"I-I'm fine sweetie. Don't worry." she said, holding in her tears. She heard her daughter's footsteps stomp away, leaving the house still once again. Eleven stood up and went up to her wall.

"I saved every memory we've had together," whispered Eleven, "From the moment I met you, I knew you were mine, said you were mine, thought you were mine."

"Do you know what Max said, when you declared your love to me? She said, "Be careful with that one, love. He will do what it takes to survive." continued El. She picked up a family picture of her, Mike, and Emma smiling. How she missed those days.

"You and your words flodded my senses. Your sentences left me defenseless. You built me palaces out of love, you built my heart up," mumbled El, "I'm remembering those memories from before. I'm searching and scanning for answers in every one, for some kind of sign, of when you were mine. The world seem to burn."

She moped outside of her room and across the hallway where many pictures were hanged up.
"You put our family in danger. You told the whole world how I saved your life, that our daughter and I have powers, you have ruined our lives!" cried El. She examined the picture of her family and friends. Of Will, Dustin, Lucas, Max, Mike, and her daughter.

"Do you know what Max said, when she read what you'd done? She said, "You have married an Icarus. He has flown to close to the Sun," whispered Eleven, walking down the stairs, "You and your words, obsessed with your legacy. Your sentences border on senseless. And you are paranoid in every paragraph, how they perceive you...You, you, you."

The sound of a flap opening arose and she quickly turned her head towards the door. El picked it up and saw the story titled, "A generation of telekinesis: Eleven and Emma Wheeler." She dropped to the carpet next to the fireplace.

"I'm erasing myself from the storyline, let future family members wonder how Eleven reacted when you broke her heart, you have torn it all apart and I'm watching it burn." El ripped the paper in half and threw it in the fire, watching it turn into ash.

"The world has no right to my heart! The world has no place in our lives! They don't get to know what I said. I'm burning the memories, burning the pictures that might have been counterfeit," sobbed El, "You forefit all rights to my heart! You forefit my trust in every way! You'll go somewhere else to stay, with only the memories of when you were mine!" Eleven layed on the ground, tears rolling down her cheeks wildly.

"I hope that you, burn." whispered Eleven. She cried even harder as the painful memories came rushing back.

The door flew open and Max flood inside.
"Oh my god El!" said Max. She rushed to her best friend's side and hugged her tightly. Emma came running down the stairs.

"Mom!" said Emma. She threw her arms around her mother and aunt as they shared an emotional hug. He made her feel special. He saved her. But now, he threw all of that away.

Part 2! Today is the ST 2 premiere:)

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